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Urgent demand for better use of existing vaccines and development of new vaccines to tackle AMR

Urgent demand for better use of existing vaccines and development of new vaccines to tackle AMR


The World Health Organization today released its first-ever report on a pipeline of vaccines currently under development to prevent infections caused by antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) bacterial pathogens. WHO analysis points to the need to accelerate testing of AMR-related vaccines in late-stage development and maximize the use of existing vaccines.

The pandemic of antimicrobial-resistant silence is a growing public health concern. Tolerant infections alone kill nearly 4.95 million people annually, with 1.27 million directly due to AMR. But AMR is more than a bacterial infection. AMR occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites change over time and become unresponsive to medicines. When an individual becomes infected with these microorganisms, the infection is said to be resistant to antibacterial drugs. These infections are often difficult to treat.

Vaccines are a powerful tool to prevent infection in the first place and may limit the spread of AMR infections. The AMR Vaccine Pipeline Report aims to guide investment and research in viable vaccines to mitigate AMR.

The analysis identifies 61 vaccine candidates at various stages of clinical development. This is Bacterial preferred pathogen listWHO prioritized Research and Development.. The report states that these late vaccine candidates are likely to be feasible for development, but the report warns that most will not be readily available.

“”Use to prevent infection Vaccination reduces the use of antibiotics, which is one of the main drivers of AMR.However, only one of the top six bacterial pathogens responsible for AMR death Streptococcus pneumoniae There is a vaccine for the disease (pneumococcus). ” Dr. Hanan Bulky, Deputy Director of Antimicrobial Resistance at WHO, said. “Affordable and impartial access to life-saving vaccines, such as those against Streptococcus pneumoniae, is urgently needed to save lives and mitigate the rise in AMR.” She added.

The report calls for equitable, global access to existing vaccines, especially among those most in need of vaccines in limited resource settings. There are already vaccines available against the four preferred bacterial pathogens: Streptococcus pneumoniae infection (Streptococcus pneumoniae), Hib (Haemophilus influenzae Type b) Tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) typhoid(Salmonella typhoid). Current bacillus Calmette Guerculosis (BCG) vaccines against tuberculosis (TB) cannot adequately prevent tuberculosis and the development of more effective vaccines against tuberculosis needs to be accelerated. The remaining three vaccines are effective and the number of people vaccinated should be increased to reduce the use of antibiotics and prevent further deaths.

Importantly in the global battle with AMR, bacteria on the list of preferred pathogens pose a significant public health threat due to resistance to antibiotics, but are currently the number and realization of candidates. The vaccine pipeline is very weak in terms of potential. ..Vaccines against these pathogens are unlikely to be available in the short term, and alternative interventions are urgently needed to prevent resistant infections by preferential bacterial pathogens.

“”A disruptive approach is needed to enrich the pipeline and accelerate vaccine development. Lessons from Covid 19 vaccine development and mRNA vaccines offer a unique opportunity to explore to develop vaccines against bacteria. “ Dr. Haileyesus Getahun, Director of WHO Global Coordination, said.

The report examines some of the challenges facing vaccine innovation and development, including pathogens associated with nosocomial infections (HAIs). These include the difficulty of defining a target population among all inpatients in the hospital. The cost and complexity of vaccine efficacy testing. And the lack of vaccine regulation and / or policy precedent for HAI.

“Vaccine development is costly, scientifically difficult, often has a high failure rate, and for successful candidates, complex regulatory and manufacturing requirements require more time. Leverage the lessons of COVID vaccine development. And we need to speed up the search for vaccines to deal with AMR. “ Dr. Kate O’Brien, director of WHO’s Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biology, said.

You can read the full report here.




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