Ottawa COVID-19: From spikes in April to boards in June
Ottawa-According to the data, the COVID-19 pandemic curve leveled off in Ottawa and has yet to impact the gradual resumption of operations.
The number of COVID-19 cases in Ottawa steadily increased in June, but at a much slower pace than in the previous month. By the second half of the month, Economic resumption began to take hold, Daily reports of new cases were below single digits.
Here’s how the pandemic evolved 16 weeks after it began in Ottawa:
Incidents surged in April
The first case of COVID-19 in Ottawa was confirmed on 11 March. The total number of cases increased slowly in the second half of March, but increased rapidly in April. In Ottawa, 1,178 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in April, killing 73 people.
The number of active cases increased daily as the number of cases confirmed in the new laboratory exceeded the recovery rate. By the end of April, Ottawa Public Health data confirmed 673 known cases of COVID-19 activity in Ottawa.
Since the end of April, the increase in the total number has slowed down and more people have begun to recover.
You might have seen the direction of the curve change, but it was a tragic month for many families in the city.
May curves flatten at high cost
Between May 1st and May 31st, Ottawa saw 590 new infections with an increase in new cases, which is about half of the April infection rate. During that same month, the number of cases resolved has skyrocketed. At the beginning of May, 805 COVID-19 cases were considered resolved in Ottawa. By May 31, the number had doubled to 1,610.
But May was the deadliest month in Ottawa since the epidemic began, with 168 deaths, many of which died in the city’s nursing homes.
Most of the deadliest outbreaks in nursing homes began in April and lasted until May.
Curve Plateau in June
If April was a pandemic surge, May was the hammer that flattened the curve in June.
June was a plank month, according to Ottawa Public Health data. The number of COVID-19 cases and deaths is still increasing, but only at a fraction of the pace seen in April and May.
Between June 1 and June 30, there were 132 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed by testing, with 19 new deaths.
In the June 30 data, the number of active cases increased slightly from 40 to 46, but active cases continued to fall to a low level of 40.
The recovery rate continued to increase, but the recovery rate also dropped significantly. OPH reported 175 new solutions in June, as opposed to 805 in May.
Many of the most deadly outbreaks in nursing homes officially ended in June. The most deadly outbreak of Ottawa in the Curling View Manor was officially declared on June 18. The outbreak killed 60 people at home. The outbreak in the Madonna Care community, which killed 47 inhabitants and two workers, ended on June 8.
By the end of June Two occurrences Remained active.
The data show that the number of people infected with the virus is low, explaining not only new cases but also slow recovery rates. The test figures provided by Ottawa Public Health show that the test remains robust and returns fewer positive cases.
At the beginning of June, 3% of all tests returned positive. By the end of the month, that number had dropped to 0.3 percent.
The laboratory returned more than 19,000 test results between June 1 and June 28, with an average of 680 tests per day.
However, OPH points out that those who were infected in June were still getting the virus from the community, not close contact or infection within the organization.
According to the data, two-fifths of all newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 confirmed in June in Ottawa are believed to be the result of community expansion.
Hospitalization rates also dropped in June. At the beginning of the month, 39 were hospitalized for COVID-19 complications. By the end of the month, there were two, one receiving intensive care.
More information can be found at the Ottawa Public Health Service. COVID-19 dashboard page, Updated daily.
Held a procession in July
Ottawa’s health doctor, Dr. Veraechess, says he has succeeded in flattening the COVID-19 curve, but the risk of the second wave is real.
“We’re seeing a second wave in other parts of the world. Fortunately, we’re in a much better position at Ottawa right now, but there’s also a second wave risk,” Etch said. Dr. June 29. “You can monitor other countries and communities to learn what is working to control COVID19 and how to adapt the approach to the way that is right for our city.”
Recent Outbreak in Kingston, Ontario. Nail salon Thirty cases have occurred in the city. The affected individuals are not hospitalized, but they show how easy it is for a single case to tens. A recently released lockdown in some parts of the United States Cases continue to increase rapidly south of the border.
Dr. Hetch said that all these numbers are based solely on those confirmed by the laboratory, as 40% of all new cases in Ottawa are associated with community infections.
“Currently, the number of cases is stable, outbreaks are decreasing, maximizing our ability to test and track contacts. This is good news, but the number of positive cases updated daily on our website is “It’s only a small part of the actual infection that exists in the community,” said Dr. Etch.
“The increase in COVID 19 cases and the risk of outbreaks are real. Modeling the data shows that a reduction of just 20% of public control measures could lead to a second wave.” Actions will influence whether and how serious the second wave will be.Ottawa residents are already showing that they can do what they need to keep the virus at a manageable level.”
Ottawa’s next step could be a mandatory mask order. Those rules are already in place Kingston’s Set to enable Eastern Ontario Department of Health.. The City of Toronto recently passed an ordinance Make the mask mandatory From July 7th in indoor public spaces.
Dr. Etch “I’m seriously thinking” Similar mask orders, and Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson said He is not opposed..
Ontario Government Currently under discussion How to move a region to the third stage of its resumption framework. Health Minister Christine Elliot said she was waiting for another week’s worth of data before proceeding.
Stage 3 can expand the size of public gatherings and open all workplaces. Follow state guidelines.
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