WHO declares a public health emergency when monkeypox exceeds 16,000 worldwideExBulletin
The World Health Organization has declared monkeypox a global public health emergency. What this means and where the United States stands in terms of treatment and vaccines.
Since May, the number of monkeypox cases has exceeded 16,000 worldwide. Over the weekend, the World Health Organization raised the outbreak to the highest level of alertness. This is a public health emergency of international concern. Aridaniel of NPR is here with us to analyze what that means. Hello, Ali.
Ali Daniel, Byline: Hello, Juana.
Summers: Yes, why did anyone make this decision now?
Daniel: Well, the overall number of cases may seem rather small (only 16,000 in 75 countries and territories), but WHO says how much monkeypox is in the group experiencing the majority of cases. I am worried that it is spreading rapidly. Other men. The numbers are doubling every two to three weeks, and the number of cases is increasing a bit faster in the United States. This means things aren’t slowing down. So WHO has worked with members to respond to the outbreak, but they say it’s time to do more. I’m Michael Ryan, Executive Director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program.
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Michael Ryan: We have to act now, and we have to act together as we have done so far. But like every effort in human science and human health, there are times when you need to accelerate that effort.
Daniel: And it’s time to accelerate, WHO says.
Summers: So Ali, how do you issue a public health emergency of international concern? How can it help in this case?
Daniel: That’s a great question, Juana. Basically, this declaration kicks everything into high gear. Hope is for countries to take quicker action, encourage more international coordination and accelerate the distribution of vaccines and treatments. Therefore, this declaration is only the first step. Boghuma Titanji is an infectious disease specialist at Emory University.
BOGHUMA TITANJI: It’s not a magic wand. WHO does not make this designation, and then suddenly everything falls into place, and as you know, the outbreak is guaranteed to be contained. It must be backed by action, a collaborative global response centered on fairness.
Daniel: Fairness, according to Titanji, means that people in all affected countries need to have fair access to vaccines and other treatments. If wealthy nations continue these medical interventions, she says, it will only extend the global trajectory of the virus.
Natsu: What do things look like here now with respect to the United States?
Daniel: Well, the number of cases is increasing rapidly. Nearly 3,000 confirmed cases have been identified in the United States, according to the CDC, and tests have improved since several commercial laboratories began testing monkeypox this month. As for vaccines, the US government has shipped more than 300,000 doses and plans to deliver more vaccines where most cases are found. The Department of Health and Human Services says millions more will be delivered by mid-next year.
Natsu: And Ali, tell me, what are you hearing about the treatment?
Daniel: Last week’s CDC made it easier for doctors to prescribe TPOXX, Juana, and monkeypox treatments by reducing some of the paperwork associated with it. Still, supporters say access to vaccines and treatments remains difficult. I talked to Alexandra Ferrand. She is a Global Health Lawyer at Georgetown University.
ALEXANDRA PHELAN: Calling for access to treatments and painkillers for people with monkeypox as an urgent priority, as well as ensuring access to vaccines and developing access to better vaccines There is a community that is.
Summers: Must be left alone. That is Aridaniel of NPR. Thank you very much.
Daniel: Thank you, Juana.
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