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Description | What are the properties of Langya, a new zoonotic virus identified in China?

Description | What are the properties of Langya, a new zoonotic virus identified in China?


Are there standard procedures for surveillance and genome sequencing of animal-to-human pathogens?

Are there standard procedures for surveillance and genome sequencing of animal-to-human pathogens?

Story so far: A new zoonotic virus that has evolved to infect humans is identified in China In August. August 4th, New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Described a virus called Langya (LayV)reported in a patient in eastern China.

What is the nature of rangya?

in a letter published in NEJMAccording to a team of researchers from China and Singapore led by Xiao-Ai Zhang, Hao Li and others: Understand relevant human diseases. ”

The pathogen belongs to the Henipaviridae family, Nipah and Hendra virus, which has been found to cause fever and respiratory symptoms in 35 people in China since 2018. It was discovered during routine sentinel surveillance of a febrile patient and reported a recent history of animal exposure in eastern China. It was identified as a phylogenetically distinct henipavirus after being identified in a patient’s throat swab sample, demonstrating its evolution. The virus was named after the town where the patient lived – Langya in Shandong, China.

Subsequent investigations identified 35 patients with acute LayV infection in Shandong and Henan provinces of China, the communiqué said. In all but 9 patients, LayV was the only pathogen isolated, indicating that no other infections that might have caused symptoms were present.

What are the symptoms?

Common symptoms were fever, fatigue, cough, anorexia, myalgia, nausea, headache, and vomiting, with thrombocytopenia or low platelet count and leukopenia or low white blood cell count. In some cases, doctors also noticed impaired liver and kidney function.

What is LayV’s animal origin?

To determine the source of infection or animal origin, scientists took blood from livestock and small animals, as patients, mostly farmers, had been exposed to close exposure to animals before becoming ill. These serum studies in animals revealed that the shrew, a rodent-like mouse, may be a reservoir of LayV.

of NEJM According to the letter, contact tracing of 15 close contacts’ family members and 9 patients did not reveal LayV infection among the close contacts, but effectively assessed the person-to-person transmission of LayV. We concede that the sample size is too small to judge. So, while concluding, based on the available evidence, that the virus must have been transmitted by a shrew or other vector animal (e.g., a goat, a dog in which he tested positive for LayV in serologic studies), the investigators I asked for further research. Thoroughly examine all angles.

Do you have any worries about the future?

Article Nature To quote Edward Holmes, an evolutionary virologist at the University of Sydney, Australia: He says you shouldn’t be particularly concerned about this, but it’s important for him to be constantly monitored. In general, regular testing of people and animals to detect new viruses is important to understanding the risk of zoonotic diseases, he adds. The need for surveillance cannot be overemphasized. Because the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the world into turmoil without warning.

of central news agencya government-controlled Taiwanese news outlet quoted Chuang Jen-hsiang, deputy director of Taiwan’s Center for Disease Control, as saying that domestic laboratories will conduct genome sequencing to step up surveillance of LayV. He said he would soon establish standardized procedures for

While LayV is not a major threat as we know it today, it is clear that the nature of our connected world makes it easy for the virus to spread around the globe. Scientific research and pharmacological developments have given an arm in the two years since the pandemic, but prevention is far better than cure. We emphasize that sharing is essential.




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