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More people are eligible for the monkeypox vaccine in LA County.California outlines isolation protocols

More people are eligible for the monkeypox vaccine in LA County.California outlines isolation protocols


Salpox vaccine eligibility was again expanded in Los Angeles County this week, allowing more people who meet high-risk criteria to access the two-dose series despite limited vaccine availability. rice field.

Under the new parameters, the Los Angeles County Public Health Department said the majority of confirmed cases in the county during this outbreak were among LGBTQ men, a trend mirrored across California, glove.

Experts say the virus is most easily spread through intimate skin-to-skin contact, including sex. However, monkeypox can be transmitted to anyone under the right circumstances, regardless of gender or sexuality.

Case continues to soar In recent weeks, LA counties and states have seen an increase of about 40% over the past week, according to the company. county When State Department of Public Health dataConfirmed and suspected cases surpassed 1,200 on Monday in LA County. Statewide, the total reached 2,660 on Thursday.vaccination in short supply, However, it has gradually increased in recent months.

As of Monday, gay or bisexual men and transgender people in Los Angeles County are eligible for the Jynneos vaccine if they have had skin-to-skin contact or intimate contact, such as kissing or hugging, with someone at a large venue in the past two weeks. People who had transactional sex in the past two weeks are also eligible for the new vaccine.

this is, Expanded eligibility last week After the county received additional doses, Authorized by Federal Officials A new method of administering vaccines that can scale a single vial of vaccine five-fold has allowed public health officials to make the most of limited doses. Except for those under the age of 18 or those with a history of keloid scarring, all monkeypox vaccines in the county are administered with a new method that involves a shallower shot between layers of skin rather than the underlying fat.

LA County Public Health Director Barbara Feller said her agency expected to receive more doses from the federal government last week than were shipped, but new distribution methods put them at risk. She also acknowledged that federal officials have indicated that additional orders for higher doses will be implemented soon.

“More doses will be made available to communities like ours who have high-risk populations that we need to reach,” said Ferrer. “We haven’t received enough doses to reach everyone.”

The Jynneos vaccine is given in two doses, given four weeks apart. Can be used prophylactically and within 2 weeks of exposure.

According to the county, those who were previously eligible to be vaccinated in LA County should be those identified as being at high risk through contact tracing, have certain sexually transmitted diseases, or have HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis. continue to be eligible, including those receiving health Anyone who meets the guidelines can sign up simply by self-certifying their eligibility vaccine booking online Or call your local clinic or health care provider or contact the health department at: (833) 540-0473 Additional assistance is required from 8:00 AM to 8:30 PM.

The state also recently outlined Separation guidelines Patients with a confirmed or suspected case of monkeypox should be kept home until infection is ruled out or skin lesions have completely healed, a new layer of skin has formed, and other symptoms have disappeared for at least 48 hours. We recommend that you stay at .

The guidance recommends limiting contact with family members, especially skin-to-skin contact and sharing of towels and personal items, wearing a tight-fitting mask if you cannot avoid others, and avoiding lesions. It is recommended that you cover the According to the guidance, limited low-risk activities can be resumed if there is no fever, respiratory symptoms, or new lesions for at least 48 hours and uncovered lesions such as the face have completely healed. These patients should be bandaged or covered with non-healing lesions, wear a tight-fitting mask, and avoid crowded environments.

Monkeypox symptoms can last up to 4 weeks.

Although many people in LA County are not yet eligible for the monkeypox vaccine, officials said workers in certain occupations can take steps to protect themselves.

“The risk of monkeypox remains low for the general public, including workers,” said County Health Officer Dr. Muntu Davis. “[But] There are also many steps employees can take to protect themselves and their clients in general. …our team has identified several sectors as priorities for this guidance. ”

Davis said people working in gyms, hotels and other businesses that provide personal care services such as massage and skin care salons should stay home when sick, wear gloves, sanitize surfaces and wash their hands. , said it could take additional steps to protect itself.

Muntu said there were no related cases in those departments as of last week, and most people who contract monkeypox recover without treatment.

But many patients report very painful lesions, and at least 26 people have been hospitalized with the disease in Los Angeles County, Muntu said. In the United States, no one is known to have died from monkeypox.

Times staff writers Rong-Gong Lin II and Luke Money contributed to this report.




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