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Even if you walk 10,000 steps a day, are you walking at a sufficient pace?

Even if you walk 10,000 steps a day, are you walking at a sufficient pace?


There is good news for all fitness enthusiasts who are committed to walking the recommended 10,000 steps daily. Recent studies show that walking speed also contributes to improved results. The study, which used wearable trackers to track his 78,500 participants, was published in the journals JAMA Internal Medicine and JAMA Neurology. According to a statement from, this was the largest study to objectively track step count in relation to health outcomes.

Researchers at the University of Sydney and the University of Southern Denmark in Australia found a link between taking 10,000 steps a day and a lower risk of dementia, heart disease, cancer and death. However, power walks showed an advantage over steps completed.

Co-lead author of the study, Dr Matthew Ahmadi, Research Fellow at the Charles Perkins Center and Department of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, said: Ideally, not only should you aim for 10,000 steps a day, but you should also aim to walk faster. ”Step counts are easy to understand and are widely and commonly used to track activity levels with the help of fitness trackers and apps. Lifestyle and Population Health at the University of Sydney emphasized that “people rarely think about the pace of their steps”.

According to Borja del Pozo Cruz, associate professor at the University of Southern Denmark and the senior researcher for health research at the University of Cadiz, co-lead authors of the study, “Less active people are perceived to take as little as 3,800 steps per day. 25%”

Over seven days, participants wore a wrist accelerometer to track physical activity (minimum of three days, including weekend days and monitoring during sleep periods). The study is observational and “cannot show direct cause and effect,” the researchers point out. Over seven days, participants wore a wrist accelerometer to track physical activity (minimum of three days, including weekend days and monitoring during sleep periods). The study is observational and “cannot establish direct cause and effect,” the researchers note.

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  • Here are some key findings from this study:

*Up to approximately 10,000 steps per day, an 8-11% reduction in early death risk was observed for every 2,000 steps.
*Similar relationships were observed for incidence of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
*Reduced incidence of all-cause dementia was associated with daily steps taken.
*An ideal amount of 9,800 steps was associated with a 50% reduction in dementia risk, but 3,800 steps a day was also associated with a 25% reduction.
*Beyond total steps taken daily, walking intensity or faster speed was positively associated with all outcomes (dementia, heart disease, cancer, and mortality).

However, Dr. Sanjith Saseedharan, consultant and director of critical care at SL Raheja Hospital, a Mahim-A-Fortis Associate, said, “A minor limitation of this study is the broad age limit of participants (40-79 years old). ” and the 7-year follow-up period of the trial. Dr. Saseedharan said it was questionable whether individuals had reached the age at which dementia often begins, as even the number of participants in each age group was not given.

  • How is walking beneficial?

According to lifestyle educator and nutritionist Karishma Chawla, “Optimal aerobic exercise benefits cardiovascular fitness, balances blood pressure, lowers bad cholesterol, increases good cholesterol, and reduces anxiety through the release of endorphins. , helps blood circulation, enhances lung health and balances blood sugar levels. , helps lower body fat percentage while keeping metabolism high.

Walking is healthy exercise, but Chawla says, “To get the most out of this heart activity, it’s essential to challenge yourself in terms of increasing your steps and speed.”

Compared to the available data, Dr. Saseedharan claims the study’s conclusions are “essential” as it provides guidance for performing the advised 10,000 steps.

“Walking faster can help increase your range of motion and transfer pressure from your joints to your muscles. It can strengthen your leg and abdominal muscles.” And your quadriceps, hamstrings, calf muscles, hip abductors, and glutes all benefit from power walking.

Dr. Gadkar emphasized that power walking should only be done after consulting a doctor. , to stay fit by achieving 10,000 steps each day.

  • how far should i walk

According to Dr. Nidhi Bajaj Gupta, physiotherapy healer, holistic wellness coach, and creator of Merahki, do a power walk for 30 minutes a day, five days a week, to meet your cardio needs. Doing so has great health benefits. According to Dr. Bajaj Gupta, as you pick up your pace, you’ll definitely start to benefit from the cardiovascular benefits, muscle tone, core strength, and increased bone density.

Varun Ratan, co-founder of the Body Science Academy in Noida, provides an interesting piece of information, stating that a 5’8″ tall man weighing 75 kilos consumes 3 calories per minute at a speed of 3.2 kilometers per hour, or 5 calories per minute. Said it burns calories. He walks at 5.6 kilometers per hour. Walking at 3.2 km/h for 30 minutes will burn about 90 calories. Walking at 5.6 km/h burns about 150 calories.

  • How do you pick up the pace when you’re just starting out?

Rattan said it’s best to walk at a pace you’re comfortable with, but the most important aspect of starting any exercise practice, including a walking habit, is consistency. “Thus, before increasing the duration or pace, one should turn his attention to regular walks. According to Rattan, as his level of fitness increases, he will be able to walk faster or better without extra effort.” You will be able to walk long distances.

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