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Professionals talk about symptoms and when to seek medical care for your child

Professionals talk about symptoms and when to seek medical care for your child


  • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) can cause a usually mild cold-like illness.
  • However, for infants, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems, it can lead to more serious symptoms, including: difficulty breathing.
  • RSV cases spike in some parts of the US

in parts of the United States, undulation Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which usually causes a mild cold-like illness, difficulty breathing For infants, the elderly, and those with certain medical conditions.

RSV cases declined in 2020 when the pandemic began as communities implemented face mask policies and other measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

As these mitigations will be lifted in summer 2021, RSV returned — During the normal autumn and winter seasons.

Now, with cases rising again, doctors fear that the triad of respiratory illness outbreaks (RSV, seasonal flu and COVID-19) will further strain hospitals and clinics.

With this in mind, we asked three medical professionals for their take on the current RSV surge and their advice for parents of young children.

Doctor Daniel Ganjan is a pediatrician at Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California.

Doctor Jonathan Maynard is a pediatrician at Providence Mission Heritage Medical Group in Orange County, California.

Doctor Juanita Mora He is an allergist/immunologist and a National Volunteer Medical Spokesperson for the American Lung Association in Chicago.

Here’s what they had to say.

Gandian: Most people have not had RSV in the past few years because many people wore masks and practiced good hygiene during the pandemic.

As such, people’s antibody levels to RSV are currently very low, making people, including adults, children and babies, susceptible to RSV.

In general, when these RSV surges occur, they are short-lived because many people become infected with the virus in a short period of time and disappear. So let’s hope the current surge lasts only a few months.

Mora: Part of the surge is because we are coming out of the pandemic. This will be the first fall and winter without COVID-19 restrictions in school settings and even public places such as airports.

Also, over the past two years, we’ve had a lot of kids doing virtual schooling at home, so they didn’t get sick as often. Most children usually have RSV by the time she is 2 years old.

So there are a lot of young kids who have never seen RSV because they stayed home most of the time and wore masks when they were in school.

Moreover, many children who were previously infected with RSV are reinfected.

Gandian: There is no specific medicine for RSV. Treat like a cold: saline, nasal aspirate, vaporizer, acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain and fever, and plenty of her TLC.

Symptoms usually worsen in 3 to 4 days and then begin to disappear. It takes about a week, sometimes he two weeks, before the symptoms are completely gone.

Maynard: There is no proven cure for the RSV virus itself. Therefore, RSV care focuses on the type and severity of symptoms.

In severe cases, especially those with coexisting bronchiolitis, pneumonia, or apnea, patients may need to be hospitalized for respiratory support and treatment of dehydration.

However, most children can rest and recover at home without the need for medication.

Mora: Since we are currently living in a triple epidemic of COVID-19, RSV and influenza, which often present with similar symptoms at first, one simple thing you can do at home is to keep your children ‘s COVID-19 test.

Then begin medications to relieve symptoms and provide supportive care — lots of fluids, ibuprofen if fever is needed, etc.

If symptoms worsen, contact your child’s pediatrician. Take a nasal swab to test for COVID-19, flu or RSV and get an answer within minutes.

[NOTE: Do not use acetaminophen in a child under 12 weeks of age, or ibuprofen in a child less than 6 months old, unless recommended by your child’s doctor.]

Maynard: RSV often begins with a stuffy and runny nose. After a few days, cough, fever, and wheezing develop. Symptoms in most patients are mild and resolve within a few weeks. In a few patients, respiratory symptoms become more severe and may lead to dyspnea.

If a child shows signs of difficulty breathing, parents should take the child to the emergency department. These include rapid breathing, widening of the nostrils, subduction of the skin between the ribs during breathing (intercostal contractions), wheezing, and decreased activity or body tone.

Mora: RSV begins with mild cold-like symptoms such as a runny nose and sneezing, but if the lungs are infected, the baby may have trouble breathing.

Therefore, parents should definitely take their child to the emergency department if there are signs of difficulty breathing (chest wall moving up and down or coughing getting worse).

Same as dehydration. I tell parents to be aware of how many diapers they are changing, especially for babies. In that case, please consult a medical institution immediately.

Gandian: Children generally do well with RSV. Very young children and premature babies are at higher risk of more serious illness.

Older people and adults with certain medical conditions are also at increased risk of severe disease from RSV. These conditions include heart disease, lung disease, and immunodeficiency.

Maynard: For young children (under 5 years of age) or those with underlying medical conditions (such as lung or heart disease or immunosuppression), severe RSV infection can make breathing significantly more difficult.

In addition to dyspnea, children are at significant risk of dehydration because they are unable to drink enough due to shortness of breath. may even develop.

Mora: Premature babies, children born at less than 32 weeks gestational age, are at increased risk of complications from RSV because their lungs are not fully developed.

Children with congenital heart disease, pulmonary problems such as severe asthma, or neuromuscular disorders that affect breathing are also at increased risk.

Gandian: If your child has RSV or cold-like symptoms, especially if your child has had a fever or a cough that has gotten worse in the last 24 hours, send your child to school without first seeing a doctor. Don’t let it. You can ask your child’s doctor how long they can be out of school.

Mora: Parents should not send their children to school or daycare if they are sick. I told them “Keep the germs at home”.

Gandian: To keep your child healthy, you need to make sure your immune system is functioning optimally. That means they make sure they get enough sleep and good nutrition. They should also practice good hygiene, such as washing their hands before eating.

If you have a baby at home with an older child who goes to school, have the older child shower and change clothes when you get home from school. Then you can play with your baby.

Also, maintaining a happy environment at home supports the immune system and helps children fight common viruses.

Maynard: RSV is highly contagious. It is spread primarily through direct contact with the respiratory secretions of infected individuals or objects with which those secretions have been contaminated.

It can also be spread up to 6 feet away when an infected individual coughs or sneezes. Wearing a mask, washing your hands frequently, and cleaning common areas are all very effective ways to prevent infection.

Mora: Helping children wash their hands frequently or use hand sanitizer will be important. Also, in households, especially multi-generational households, have children wear masks if they are sick.

This includes immunocompromised people, such as grandparents, aunts and uncles who may be undergoing chemotherapy, or who may have diabetes, COPD, or anything at high risk for complications. This is especially important when you are at home.

Mora: Families will gather over the next few months for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and other holidays. To protect children and their families, eligible children will receive the latest COVID-19 boosters and flu vaccines. is needed.

[NOTE: Children 6 months or older are eligible for the COVID-19 primary series; those 5 years and older are eligible for a COVID-19 bivalent booster. Children 6 months and older are eligible for a seasonal flu shot.]




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