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Popular dietary supplement may increase cancer risk: study

Popular dietary supplement may increase cancer risk: study


Taking common over-the-counter dietary supplements like nicotinamide riboside (NR), a form of vitamin B3, may actually increase your risk of serious illnesses, including cancer, new research suggests. Discovered.

The researchers found that high levels of NR not only increased the risk of developing triple-negative breast cancer, but could also cause the cancer to spread to the brain, the study said.

Triple-negative breast cancer is considered more aggressive than other types of cancer because it grows rapidly, is more likely to spread before it is detected, and is more likely to recur after treatment. .

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“Once cancer reaches the brain, it can be fatal because there are currently no viable treatment options,” said Elena, lead author of the study published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics. Goun said.

“Some people take vitamins and supplements because they automatically believe they have only health benefits, but little is known about how they actually work. Hmm.

“This lack of knowledge prompted me to research the fundamental questions surrounding how vitamins and supplements work in the body.

After his father died at the age of 59 just three months after being diagnosed with colon cancer, Goun was moved by his father’s death to learn more about cancer metabolism—the energy it uses to spread through the body. I wanted to deepen my understanding.

Because NR is a supplement known to help boost cellular energy levels, and cancer cells expend that energy with increased metabolism, Goun wanted to investigate the role of NR in cancer development and spread. I got

“Our work is particularly important given the large number of ongoing human clinical trials in which NR is being used to reduce the side effects of cancer treatments, which are widely marketed in patients.

Researchers have used this technique to compare and investigate how much NR levels are present in cancer cells, T cells, and healthy tissues.

“While NR is already in widespread use by people and is being investigated in numerous ongoing clinical trials for additional applications, much of how NR works is a black box and Not understood.

“That prompted us to come up with this new imaging technique based on ultra-sensitive bioluminescence imaging, which allows us to quantify NR levels in real-time in a non-invasive manner. , and the brighter the light, the more NR is present.”

Goun said the results of the study emphasize the importance of carefully investigating potential side effects of supplements like NR before using them in people who may have various types of health conditions. I said there is.

In the future, Goun hopes to provide information that could lead to the development of specific inhibitors to make cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, more effective in treating cancer.

According to Goun, the key to this approach is to look at it from a personalized medicine perspective. “Not all cancers are the same for everyone, especially in terms of metabolic signatures,” he said. “In many cases, cancers can even change their metabolism before and after chemotherapy.”




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