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How to avoid getting sick while on vacation amid several virus surges

How to avoid getting sick while on vacation amid several virus surges


During the last two holiday seasons, COVID-19 was the only virus on people’s minds. But this year, the “triple disease” of COVID, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) strained the U.S. healthcare system, Long waiting times in the emergency department When lack of medicine.

It’s unusual for all three of these viruses to spike at the same time, Dr. Eric Cioè-Peña, director of global health at Northwell Health in New York City, told After an early spike in the season, it appears to be slowing down, but the flu started so early that at this point in the season, there were more hospitalizations than in the previous decade, and COVID cases were up 36%. I’m here.

Moreover, compared to the last two winters, people are not taking precautions such as masking and distancing. Vacationing means spending a lot of time with large groups, mostly indoors.

In short, in the next few weeks, many people will spread respiratory viruses instead of holiday cheer.

Fortunately, there are actions you can take while on vacation to reduce transmission and keep yourself and your loved ones safe, especially those at higher risk of serious illness.

Limit Exposure Before Seeing Loved Ones

There are many parties at this time of year, and attending all of them may not be the safest choice.

“Prioritize and (and) really think about how many exposures you actually want to encounter, and then do your own risk assessment for yourself and your family,” she explained. limit exposure in advance.”

Get the latest on COVID-19 vaccines

Vaccines not only reduce transmission, but can also prevent serious illness and hospitalization. Immunization makes a difference.”

Also, those hosting holiday gatherings should encourage guests to get vaccine updates (meaning the 2-dose primary series and the latest boosters) before attending. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Recommendations), says Cioè-Peña.

A new COVID-19 booster targeting the Omicron variant and the original strain is approved for everyone over 6 months. He’s six days until Christmas, but “regardless of the time period, it’s highly recommended because you’ll be more protected after using the booster than before,” he said. say.

Get your flu vaccination early

Experts say it’s never too late to get a seasonal flu shot. Flu vaccination is recommended for everyone 6 months and older. It may not prevent the flu, but it can reduce the severity of the illness. This is important because hospitals are already struggling.

Dr. Luis Ostrosky, infectious disease expert at UTHealth, said all flu vaccines available this season are quadrivalent, meaning they protect against four different flu viruses. Memorial Hermann of Houston and Houston, previously told

if you feel sick please stay home

If you’re feeling unwell, avoid holiday gatherings and travel, experts stress. Even if your COVID-19 test is negative, you should stay home if you have cold or flu-like symptoms, Cioè-Peña said. Because it could be the flu or another respiratory virus that can make vulnerable people like grandparents…or young babies, very sick.

Parents should try to keep sick children at home and away from gatherings. “It can be very contagious,” Cioè-Peña says, especially if children have a fever.

If you’re hosting an event, Cioè-Peña suggests checking in on how your guests are feeling in the days leading up to the event and encouraging anyone feeling unwell to stay home or join us via Zoom. increase.

“We know that people who are at risk of serious illness can really get sick and die, so let’s do everything we can to protect them,” Phillips says.

People at high risk for COVID, influenza, RSV, or other respiratory viruses include people over the age of 65, people with compromised immune systems, people with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes or heart disease, pregnant women, and young children. It is included.

Test for COVID-19 before gathering

Current testing guidelines from the CDC state that people with COVID-19 symptoms (cough, sore throat, congestion, fever, fatigue, pain) should be tested immediately and those exposed to COVID-19 should be tested after 5 days. should start.

But even if you feel fine and have no known exposures, you can still be infected before you show symptoms, and many COVID infections have no symptoms or are very mild, making it a high risk to remove the mask. We recommend testing before spending time with people. You might not notice it, advises Phillips.

“Getting a rapid COVID-19 test just before visiting a really vulnerable person is a good way to protect them,” he says.

Even if none of the above situations apply, it’s still reasonable to test just to know your COVID status before a holiday gathering or travel. However, be aware that rapid antigen tests tend to be less accurate in detecting asymptomatic infections, and a negative rapid test does not guarantee that you are not infected with COVID. please.

no matter your situation, Best time to get a rapid antigen test before the gathering, in advance. If you are traveling, test before departure and when you arrive at your destination.

Wear a mask while traveling or in crowds

When worn properly and consistently, experts say masks are an effective way to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses such as the flu. A well-fitting, high-quality surgical mask or N95-type respirator can protect the mask wearer even when the mask is off.

Everyone benefits from wearing a mask in crowded, poorly ventilated indoor environments, Phillips said, but it’s especially important if you’re vulnerable or traveling to vulnerable people. .

Last week, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Mask recommended If you travel by plane, train, bus, or other public transport, have a weakened immune system, are at high risk of becoming seriously ill, or live in an area with high COVID-19 levels.

Those who are sick and have to leave their homes should wear a tight-fitting mask or N95 to protect others and should only travel in emergencies while wearing a mask, Cioè-Peña said. increase.




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