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4 sugar alternatives that help prevent diabetes and obesity


4 sugar alternatives that help prevent diabetes and obesity

Risk of sweet drinks, bakeries, confectionery are hidden sources of sugar


  • Honey is a delicious and healthy alternative to white refined sugar
  • Coconut sugar and nutmeg sugar are also healthy sugar substitutes.
  • However, note the potion size

White refined sugar is nothing but empty calories. Health professionals and nutritionists recommend avoiding high-sugar foods for health and weight loss. Taking too much sugar increases the risk of diabetes and obesity. According to the American Heart Association, men should not consume more than 9 teaspoons of sugar per day. This means adding 36 grams of 150 calories of sugar per day. The number of women is small. According to the AHA, women are allowed 6 tsp or 25 gms or 100 calories a day from sugar.

In contrast, 12 cans of 1 ounce soda contains 8 teaspoons or 32 grams of sugar. Please try to imagine. One day you can drink sugar.

Sweet drinks and desserts are the biggest culprit when it comes to adding sugar to your diet. Other sources of hidden sugar come from juices, processed and packaged foods, biscuits, bakeries and confectionery foods.

Avoiding these foods is important in adjusting your sugar intake. There are also some healthier alternatives to sugar by adding to tea, coffee, and even homemade sweets.

Also read: 6 amazing health benefits of the date, except being a healthy sugar alternative

A natural and healthy alternative to sugar

1. Honey: Honey is a delicious and healthy alternative to white refined sugar. It has high calories, but it has a lower blood sugar (GI) than sugar. Blood sugar does not rise immediately. Pay attention to the size of the part.

2. Date sugar: Dates are very nutritious and offer multiple health benefits. They can meet the urge of sweets, but they can also add nutrition, unlike in foods high in sugar. The dates contain natural sugar. On average, medium dates contain 6 gm of sugar. But it is also packed with fibers. This fiber slows the release of sugar in the bloodstream and prevents blood sugar spikes.


Dates are considered to be a healthy sugar alternative
Photo credit: iStock

Also read: Say No to Sweet Drinks: Know Some Risks Associated

3. Coconut sugar: Coconut sugar is extracted from the sap of coconut. Contains nutrients such as iron, zinc, calcium, potassium and antioxidants. Its GI is lower than sugar and contains insulin. Insulin is a type of water-soluble fiber that can delay digestion, increase bloating, and provide intestinal-friendly bacteria.

4. Maple syrup: Maple syrup is obtained by cooking maple tree sap. Contains minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, zinc and manganese. Maple syrup is also known to have more antioxidants than honey. Its GI is lower than sugar. However, you need to check the size of the part.

The idea is to control sugar consumption and prevent the risk of weight gain, obesity and diabetes. Avoiding the added sugar sources above, you are good to go.

Also read: Sugar: What happens when you leave completely? Benefits of quitting decoded sugar

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides general information only. It never substitutes for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim liability for this information.


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