What you need to know about XBB.1.5, the new highly contagious COVID-19 subvariant

Despite intensive public health efforts to stem the COVID-19 pandemic, XBB.1.5 SARS-CoV-2 is highly contagious, widely drug-resistant, and largely immune system evasive. The recent emergence of subspecies threatens the international community. .
What is XBB.1.5?
The nomenclature for the SARS-CoV-2 strain is: The prefix ‘X’ stands for genetically modified pedigree Between two or more subvariants.
The XBB lineage emerged spontaneously Co-infection of a human host with two omicron subvariants, BA.2.10.1 and BA.2.75. it was First identified by Indian public health officials in summer 2022XBB.1.5 is the direct descendant, or more precisely, the “fifth grandchild” of the original XBB subvariant.
How is XBB.1.5 different from omicron?
XBB.1.5 is one of many omicron subvariants of concern since the outbreak of the global pandemic. First wave in November 2021In contrast to other descendants of the original omicron subspecies (known as B.1.1.529), XBB.1.5 is a mosaic subvariant, It traces its roots to two omicron subvariant lineages.
XBB.1.5 is arguably the most genetically abundant, most contagious SARS-CoV-2 omicron subvariant yet.
Where is XBB.1.5 prevalent?
According to the World Health OrganizationXBB.1.5 is distributed in at least 38 countries, with the highest penetration in the United States, About 43% of COVID-19 cases nationwideWithin the United States, there is wide geographic variation in the proportion of cases caused by XBB.1.5. 7% in the Midwest to over 70% in New England.
XBB.1.5 has been officially reported by a government agency. Australia, Canada, European Union, Japan, Kuwait, Russia, Singapore, South Africa and the England. Real-time monitoring data It has become clear that XBB.1.5 is spreading rapidly around the world and is likely to become the next major subvariant.
XBB.1.5 has also been detected in municipal drainage systems. America, Europe and elsewhere.
How likely is XBB.1.5 to cause serious illness?
Data on the ability of XBB.1.5 to cause serious illness are world health organizationXBB.1.5 has no specific mutation that is more dangerous than the ancestral subvariant.
Nonetheless, it is recognized that XBB.1.5 may cause severe disease in the elderly and immunocompromised individuals compared to earlier omicron subvariants of concern.
Are current mRNA vaccines effective against XBB.1.5?
XBB.1.5 and XBB.1 are Maximum immune evasion propertiesTherefore, one of the most controversial issues surrounding XBB.1.5 relates to the degree of protection offered by currently available mRNA vaccines, including the latest bivalent booster formulations.
Researcher at the University of Texas determined that first-generation and bivalent mRNA booster vaccines containing BA.5 produced lackluster neutralizing antibody responses to XBB.1.5. reports from investigators (not yet peer-reviewed) Cleveland Clinic found that a bivalent vaccine showed only modest (30%) efficacy in healthy non-elderly individuals when the vaccine variant matched a community-prevalent variant.
Additionally, some experts believe that administering bivalent boosters to prevent COVID-19 disease may be effective in otherwise healthy young individuals. not medically justified or cost effective.
in contrast, Public health expert in Atlanta, Georgia and Stamford, California. Neutralizing antibody activity of bivalent booster vaccines against XBB.1.5 is 12- to 26-fold lower than antibody activity against wild-type (original) SARS-CoV-2 virus, but bivalent vaccines are still higher than monovalent vaccines against XBB. 1.5.
but, Researcher at Columbia University In New York, we found that neutralizing antibody levels after a bivalent boost were up to 155-fold lower against XBB.1.5 compared to levels against wild-type virus after a monovalent boost.
This suggests that we cannot rely on monovalent or bivalent booster vaccines to provide adequate protection against XBB.1.5.
How can I protect myself from XBB.1.5?
The rapid evolution of SARS-CoV-2 continues to challenge the management of COVID-19 disease using available prophylactic and therapeutic agents. Of note, all currently available monoclonal antibodies targeting the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 Considered invalid for XBB.1.5.
Antiviral drugs such as remdesivir and paxlovid may be considered for treatment of eligible infected patients at high risk of severe disease.
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Standard infection control measures such as indoor mask-wearing, social distancing, and frequent hand washing are effective means of protecting individuals and populations against XBB.1.5 and other variants of concern.
Bivalent boosters may be considered in the elderly, immunocompromised, and other risk-averse individuals, but their efficacy in preventing COVID-19 disease with XBB.1.5 remains unclear.
Why is XBB.1.5 called the “Kraken”?
Some scientists have coined an unofficial nickname for XBB.1.5. and other SARS-CoV-2 subvariants of concern claim to be easier to remember than common alphanumeric designations.
XBB.1.5’s ‘Kraken’ label is trending now Social media sites and news outlets use the nicknames “Griffon” and “Hippogryph” to refer to the ancestral subspecies XBB and XBB.1, respectively. Kraken mythical Scandinavian sea monster or giant squid, griffon (or Griffin) refers to a mythical creature that is a hybrid of an eagle and a lion, and a hippogriff (or Hippogriff) is a fictional hybrid of a griffon and a horse.
Despite their potential usefulness as memory aids, the use of nicknames and acronyms in formal scientific discussion should be avoided.
This article is reprinted from conversation Under Creative Commons Original work.
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