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Declining childhood vaccination coverage is a major concern.Our Medical Analysts Explain Why

Declining childhood vaccination coverage is a major concern.Our Medical Analysts Explain Why
Declining childhood vaccination coverage is a major concern.Our Medical Analysts Explain Why



vaccination coverage Measles, polio, diphtheria, and other diseases are on the decline among children in the United States. new research From the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In 2020-21, mandatory vaccine coverage for kindergarten students fell from 95% to about 94%. In the 2021-22 school year, it dropped further to 93%.

This is still a high number, but why is this decrease in immunization important? What are the causes of the decrease? What are the likely consequences if these numbers fall further? What if parents are unsure about immunizing their children? What can you do with

To answer these questions, we spoke with CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen. Dr. Leana Wen is an emergency physician and public health expert, George She is Professor of Health Policy and Management at the University of Washington Milken Institute School of Public Health. is also the author of “Lifeline: A Physician’s Journey in the Battle for Public Health”.

A nurse prepares to administer the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, as well as those used to prevent diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and polio, at a pediatric primary care clinic in Minneapolis on April 28, 2017. .

CNN: Why is declining childhood vaccination coverage a problem?

AS Dr. Liana Wen: Reducing vaccine-preventable diseases is one of the greatest public health success stories of the last 100 years.

For example, the polio vaccine was introduced in the United States in 1955.In his four years prior to that, he averaged Over 16,000 cases of paralytic polio Polio kills nearly 2,000 people in the United States each year. According to the CDC, widespread polio vaccination had eradicated polio in the country by 1979, averting thousands of child deaths and lifelong disabilities each year.

A measles vaccine was licensed in the United States in 1963.previous 4 years, average Over 500,000 and more than 430 measles-related deaths each year. By 1998, he had only 89 documented cases and no measles-related deaths.

These vaccines are very safe and highly effective.For example, the polio vaccine Over 99% effective For the prevention of paralytic polio. The measles vaccine is 97% effective For infection prevention.

This same analysis can be done for other diseases for which routine childhood immunization is available.

The decline in immunization coverage for a vaccine long used to prevent disease and reduce deaths is of great concern. This means that more children are at risk of serious illnesses — diseases that could have been avoided if they had been vaccinated. Any increase puts others at risk as well. This includes babies who are too young to be vaccinated and people who cannot be protected by vaccines. For example, patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.

CNN: What’s driving the decline in immunization numbers?

Wen: There are probably many factors.First, there is Substantial Disruption to the U.S. Health Care System During the Covid-19 pandemic. Many children have missed routine visits to the pediatrician where they would have been vaccinated due to pandemic restrictions.In addition, some community health services are also provided disheveled As a local health department focused on Covid-19 services.

Second, the disruption of school education is also a factor. Immunization requirements are often confirmed before the start of the school year. When schools stopped in-person instruction, some families lost access to vaccinations.

Third, misinformation Also, misinformation about the Covid-19 vaccine may cast doubt on other vaccines. Vaccination hesitation and misinformation were major public health concerns even before the emergence of coronavirus, but the pandemic has exacerbated the problem.

According to the December survey Published by Kaiser Family Foundation, more than one in three U.S. parents believe that measles, mumps, and rubella vaccinations are a requirement for attending public schools, even though they may pose health risks to others. says it shouldn’t. This is a significant increase from 2019. like vote A Pew Research Center survey found that only 23% of parents opposed mandatory vaccinations in schools.

CNN: What would be the impact if vaccination coverage were to fall further?

Wen: Further declines in vaccination coverage could lead to more widespread outbreaks. A disease that has been virtually eradicated in the United States could reappear, with more people becoming seriously ill, suffering long-term consequences, or even dying.

We are already seeing some results. last summer, Confirmed cases of paralytic polio New York unvaccinated adults. It is devastating that a disease like polio has been confirmed again in the United States. Because there is a very effective vaccine to prevent it.

Ohio has a measles epidemic. As of January 17, 85 cases have been reported. Most of the cases are unvaccinated children, and at least 34 have been hospitalized.

CNN: What if parents are unsure about vaccinating their child?

Wen: As parents, we usually trust our pediatrician with our child’s health. If your child has been diagnosed with asthma or diabetes, or has new worrisome symptoms of another illness, see your pediatrician. You should also consult a pediatrician about childhood vaccinations. Parents and caregivers with specific questions or concerns should address them.

National Association of Pediatricians, American Academy of Pediatrics“We strongly recommend scheduled routine immunization for all children and adolescents. Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents

CNN: What can be done to increase the number of vaccinations?

Wen: need cooperation educational campaign Learn why immunizations against measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, and polio are so important. In my experience, one of the deterrents to vaccines is the rarity of these diseases in recent years. Many people who are now parents have never experienced the ravages of these diseases and may not realize how terrifying it is for them to come back.

Specific interventions should be targeted at the community level. Depending on the location, vaccination levels may be low due to access. Vaccination in places where families gather, such as schools, parks, and shopping centers, can help boost numbers. Elsewhere, vaccine hesitation and misinformation may be contributing to low uptake rates. In such situations, different strategies should be implemented.

Overall, increasing immunization coverage for vaccine-preventable childhood diseases needs to be a national imperative. Highlighting how tragic it is for children to suffer the harm of diseases that are completely preventable with safe, effective and readily available vaccines that have been routinely administered for decades. You can not.




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