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Warning signs, diagnosis and treatment

Warning signs, diagnosis and treatment


She was talking in her head — telling her hairstylist stories from a recent trip to Rome. But when Beth Bones looked at herself in her mirror, I could see that her mouth was motionless, with her hair still dyed. that’s weirdshe thought.

A snowflake-like light appeared next to his left eye, and his right hand curled into a nail. Her stylist asked Bones if she was okay and if she needed her help, and she sounded like she was in the water.

“There was pressure, but no pain,” says Bones of Portland, Oregon.

The whole thing lasted a few minutes—perhaps four, she recalls. Bones, who was 49 at the time, finished her hair appointment, met with her family for dinner at a nearby restaurant, and went home to tell her husband of the strange happenings of the afternoon.

Shortly after, Bones was seen in the emergency room. There she learned.blood pressure She likely suffered a transient ischemic attack (TIA), which occurs when blood flow to the brain is temporarily cut off. About 240,000 Americans have her TIA each year. mini stroke, according to the American Stroke Association. It can occur at any age, but is most common in adults over the age of 55.

Bones went home together blood pressure medicine Then plan to relax for a few days.

know when to ask for help

Risk factors for TIA

Major risk factors for TIAs include:

  • high blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • atrial fibrillation
  • smoking

Source: American Stroke Association

It’s not uncommon for symptoms like those experienced by Bones to be sidelined.

“Usually when there is an element of pain, people run to the hospital,” says Amin. “Here it is like the loss of the ability to do something.” And that loss of ability resolves quickly, often within minutes.

Do you have temporary weakness or numbness in your arm?Oh, how funny I slept.I’ll shake it off or work through it and see if it gets better on its own”says Amin.

Bones, who was a busy working mother, admits that when the TIA happened, she “had a soft little part” that could be related to the stroke. But with everything going on in her life, “there wasn’t much space for the quiet warning signs to permeate,” she says.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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