Do repeated COVID infections make it more likely that COVID will last longer?
It’s estimated that more than 80% of Americans have had COVID-19 at least once, so concerns about reinfection are justified. In fact, a person can be infected with COVID-19 once, twice, three times, or more.
Is it important to see the impact of reinfection, especially if you are vaccinated? Absolutely. It is suspected that repeated infections with COVID-19 may have negative consequences, including further health complications, the likelihood of her having COVID-19 over the long term, and potentially worse outcomes.
Research published in November 2022
Ah new research We analyzed medical records from approximately 41,000 VAs who suffered reinfection with COVID-19. The study also included a review of the medical records of 5.8 million patients, including 443,588 patients with one infection and 40,947 patients with two or more infections.
Compared with once infected patients, reinfected patients were shown to be more likely to have complications in various organ systems and to be diagnosed with COVID over a longer period of time than those who were once infected. rice field. These findings were consistent regardless of vaccination status.
For people infected with COVID-19 more than once, the data appeared to indicate that:
- Double the risk of death
- Hospitalization risk tripled
- Long-term COVID and chronic fatigue risk doubled
- 3x increased risk of heart problems and blood clotting disorders
“This is one of the first studies to look at this issue,” he said. Eamon Maloney, M.D., Primary Care and Physician of Nebraska Medicine. “This suggests strong observational data indicating that repeated infections may increase risk in many areas, including possible heart, lung or nervous system problems.” It stresses the importance of understanding that just because someone has COVID once does not mean that person is protected from further infection. It could potentially lead to an equally serious illness.”
Everyone responds differently to COVID infection
COVID-19 can affect people in many ways, so it’s difficult to predict how people will react to repeated infections. It’s also difficult to predict if or when a person will experience her COVID for long. During a prolonged COVID outbreakchronic fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath, and loss of taste and smell may last an average of two to three months, or a year or more. figure, heart problemsAlso neurological effects It depends a lot on how your body reacts.
“There doesn’t seem to be a definitive factor that distinguishes whether a person takes COVID longer,” says Dr. Maloney. But the more medical conditions they have, the higher the risk of prolonged COVID, and repeated infections could worsen the outcome.”
In short, there are no easy answers to how previous infections affect responses to reinfection.
COVID reinfection FAQ
After being infected with COVID-19, how soon can I get COVID-19 again?
Immunity is highest a few weeks after infection. After a few months, these antibodies drop. With the emergence of new variants, re-infection is possible, so it’s best to take precautions to protect yourself from re-infection.
Can you get COVID-19 twice in a month?
Average recovery from COVID symptoms such as coughing, fatigue and shortness of breath can take weeks or months. In addition, symptoms may appear and disappear temporarily. If you have recovered from your initial illness and develop a new fever, call your doctor for testing.
If I get COVID-19, am I more likely to get it again?
necessarily. COVID-19 is constantly evolving with new variants, which may or may not make you more vulnerable as your body tries to recover from the initial infection.
If I have COVID-19, should I wait to get vaccinated?
If you’ve had antibody treatment, you’ll need to wait 90 days before getting a COVID-19 vaccine or booster. If you have not received this treatment and have no fever and have recovered from your initial illness, talk to your doctor about vaccination.
“Although more research is needed, there appears to be some anecdotal evidence to suggest that vaccination may ameliorate long-term COVID symptoms,” Dr. Maloney adds.
It is recommended Post-COVID Syndrome (Long distance carrier) Keep your vaccinations up to date.
How to protect yourself from repeated COVID infections
After years of dealing with COVID-19 and its effects, we can’t let our guard down. Follow these guidelines to avoid re-infection: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Recommendationsinclude:
- Get the latest on COVID-19 vaccines
- Please continue practicing good hand hygiene, indoor masking and social distancing
- If you feel sick and suspect you have COVID-19, get tested
- If you test positive for COVID-19, please quarantine for 5 days
- If after 5 days there is no fever and respiratory symptoms have improved, the isolation can be ended, but the risk of infecting someone else still exists, so wear a mask and practice social distancing. can do.
“COVID is not going anywhere,” says Dr. Maloney.
Nebraska Medicine Post COVID Clinic
The Nebraska Medicine Post-COVID Clinic helps evaluate and treat people with prolonged symptoms of COVID-19 who have been at least 4 weeks since their initial infection. We can also provide referrals to other post-COVID specialists, including cardiologists, pulmonologists, etc., if needed.
If you think the evaluation would be beneficial, talk to your doctor about a referral.
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