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Fungal infections are becoming more common. Why are there no vaccines?

Fungal infections are becoming more common. Why are there no vaccines?


An ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist shows a piece of infected tissue after surgery to remove mucormycosis from a patient.

Ritesh Shukla | Getty Images

Fungal infections are becoming more common in the United States, but unlike diseases caused by bacteria and viruses, there is no vaccine to protect against the fungal threat.

Scientists aren’t concerned about fungal infections like those seen in HBO’s “The Last of Us” Infectious diseases that wipe out humanity are certainly cause for concern.

Fungi cause people a variety of illnesses, from irritating athlete’s foot to life-threatening bloodstream infections.

Fungal infections are responsible for more than 75,000 hospital admissions and nearly 9 million outpatient visits each year in the United States, according to WHO. Centers for Disease Control and PreventionApproximately 7,200 people will die from fungal diseases in 2021. According to the CDC, these numbers are likely underestimated.

A type of fungus white earswhich can be resistant to all the drugs used to treat it, making it particularly dangerous for hospitalized and nursing home patients. It is found in over 30 countries, including the United States. the CDC said.

Climate change will also affect some Infection-causing fungi become more prevalent: Causative bacteria valley fever The fungus, which thrives in hot, dry soil and causes a disease called histoplasmosis, likes high humidity.

Despite the growing threat, there are currently no licensed vaccines in the United States or abroad to prevent fungal infections.

“These are the most important infectious diseases you’ve never heard of,” said Karen Norris, an immunologist and vaccine expert at the University of Georgia. is hidden.”

deadly fungal infection

Norris said the ultimate goal is to develop a single vaccine that protects against all fungal infections.

However, it is very difficult to create a “pan-fungal” vaccine.

That’s because, unlike Covid vaccines, which target a single pathogen, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, fungal vaccines ideally protect against a wide range of fungi in existence, each biologically distinct.

For now, Norris and her team have decided to focus on three fungi that are responsible for the majority of fatal fungal infections in the United States.

In preclinical testing, an vaccine developed by Norris and her team was shown Produces antifungal antibodies in animals including rhesus monkeys. The funding will allow researchers to begin and finish human vaccine trials within the next five years, she said.

In Arizona, researchers are focusing on a vaccine to prevent valley fever, a lung infection caused by a fungus. Coccidioides. The fungus, which is typically found in the hot, dry soils of the Southwest, is “an emerging threat” as climate change expands its range, Norris said.

So far, vaccines have been shown to be effective in dogs, said John Gargiani, director of the Valley Fever Center for Excellence at the University of Arizona School of Medicine.

Little Urgency, Lack of Funds

Experts know which fungi are the best to target, but vaccine development has been delayed, largely due to lack of funding, says officials working to begin human trials of a valley fever vaccine. Gargiani said.

Many public and private spaces do not view fungal vaccines as a “critical unmet need.” He said. Respiratory viruses such as Covid, influenza and measles infect millions of people each year and cause thousands of hospitalizations worldwide, he said. Viruses can be deadly to anyone, anywhere in the world, he said, demonstrating the need for vaccines to prevent these diseases.

Hundreds of different fungi can cause illness in humans by comparison, but the most common fungi that infect skin and nails, cause vaginal yeast infections and athlete’s foot, according to Gargiani, are: , is not life threatening.

Additionally, severe cases are occurring sporadically across the United States, he said.

valley fever, for exampleusually confined to the southern and western regions of the United States, and is usually severe in people with weakened immune systems. Aspergillus Every day without getting sick, it can be life-threatening for people with cystic fibrosis or asthma. white ears Infection is largely confined to healthcare settings and poses the greatest threat to critically ill patients.

Gargiani said of the vaccine development, “As a risk-benefit investment proposition, it has failed.” “You wouldn’t put your retirement investment into this.” He said it could be eight years before a fungal vaccine is available in the United States.

But as awareness of the impact of climate change on fungal infections grows, funding could expand and fungal vaccines could be developed sooner, Norris said.

In response to growing public health concerns about serious and life-threatening fungal diseases, the National Institutes of Health announced in September released the framework On how the United States could create a vaccine for Valley Fever in the next decade.

last October, world health organization released its first list of the fungi that pose the greatest threat to public health and called for further research on 19 fungal diseases.

Dr. Andrew Lymper, a pulmonologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, says there are several oral treatments for most mild to moderate fungal infections.Depending on the fungus, you may need to take the drug for 3-6 months to clear the infection from your system. with side effectsHeadache, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.

People with strong immune systems often recover with medication, but fungal infections, especially those that affect the lungs, can leave scars.

In severe cases, some people need to take intravenous drugs such as: Amphotericin BHe said.




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