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Does the Covid-19 vaccine affect the heart? Doctor’s opinion

Does the Covid-19 vaccine affect the heart? Doctor’s opinion


Covid-19 vaccines are life-saving, but some heart-related side effects have been reported. More than 100,000 people have suffered from COVID-19, and nearly 7 million deaths have been attributed to COVID-19.

“Recent data suggest that previous COVID-19 may increase the risk of many cardiovascular diseases (CVD) to the extent similarly observed in conventional cardiovascular (CV) risk factors. We do,” wrote the researcher.

Impact of Covid vaccine on heart health

Dr. Rakesh Rai Sapra, director and senior consultant cardiologist at Marengo QRG Hospital in Faridabad, said COVID infection can affect the heart and blood vessels in the following ways:

1) Covid infection increases the tendency of the blood to clot, increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke, deep vein thrombosis or peripheral artery thrombosis, all diseases caused by blood clots.However, this risk is a lifelong risk. not. This risk is primarily present during his COVID infection and for a period of time (1-2 months) after infection. Therefore, blood thinners are prescribed during that period to minimize the risk.

2) Myocardial weakness due to heart inflammation, known as myocarditis, can lead to hallmarks of heart failure.

3) an increased propensity for abnormal heart rhythms called arrhythmias; This could be an abnormal decrease in heart rate or an abnormal type of fast heartbeat. This could be a new irregularity or an exacerbation of an existing abnormality.

The association between heart disease, especially myocarditis, and COVID vaccines is still being evaluated. There is some evidence of this association, especially in young people after a second dose of vaccine, but the risks are overall small compared to the potential benefits of vaccination, he added.

Heart attacks are no longer considered a disease of the elderly. We have witnessed many young people suffer heart attacks in the 30 to 50 years of their lives, a trend that has become increasingly visible since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the entire world. , he says Dr. Sharath Reddy Annam.

It is known. COVID and Covishield (the AstraZeneca vaccine for Covid-19) are associated with an increased propensity to clot leading to arterial or venous occlusion.

Dr. Sharath Reddy Annam is a Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Director of Cath Lab, CTO and Director of Complex Coronary Interventions, TAVR and Structural Cardiac Interventions, Medicover Hospitals.

The reason for the increase in heart attacks after Covid-19

According to Dr. Sharath, the reasons for the increase in heart attacks after Covid-19 are not fully understood, but are hypothesized to be due to pleiotropic effects from increased inflammation, thrombosis, and endothelial damage.

“Myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart, is common in Covid patients because the virus can damage the heart’s muscle tissue and the heart indirectly becomes inflamed in response to the body’s own immune system. said Dr. Deepak Shejol, cardiologist at Zynova Shalby Hospitals

Covishield was even ‘worse’ with respect to cardiovascular effects

Recently, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a prominent British-Indian cardiologist, said of the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab administered in India: cobi shield, It was the “worse” in terms of cardiovascular effects, heart attacks, and strokes.

Dr. Malhotra, who requested a full safety review of AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine use, told PTI Covishield that it “should never have been deployed domestically in the first place.”

Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin and heart health

“The data I have seen at this time do not suggest that covaxin has any significant effect and[it]appears to be safe. But of course when other vaccines are being investigated, covaxin should also be considered,” said a British-Indian cardiologist, Dr Aseem Malhotra, PTI reported.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said last year that the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is “safe and effective for everyone over the age of 18.”

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