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New technology gives hope to paralyzed stroke patients

New technology gives hope to paralyzed stroke patients



nearly ten years, Heather Rendulic She could not use her left hand to eat or lift something light like soup. she had a stroke.

The results of the exam were published in the journal on Monday. natural medicine.

Rendulik has a rare brain disease called cavernous hemangioma, a vascular abnormality that can lead to stroke. She had a series of five seizures in her 11 months at the age of 22 that left her left side paralyzed.

“The most difficult part of my condition is living one-handed in a two-handed world,” said the Pittsburgh resident.

stroke It cuts off the blood supply to the brain and cells begin to die within minutes. A person can become paralyzed if the part of the brain that sends messages that trigger muscle movement is damaged by a stroke.

Rendulik eventually regained some function in his left half of his body, but was unable to use a fork or make a fist with his hand.

In 2021, as part of a joint project at the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University, researchers implanted a pair of thin metal electrodes into her neck.

Doctors are already using spinal cord stimulation techniques to treat persistent pain. Studies show that this technique may be used to restore leg motion after spinal cord injury, but hand motion is a bit more complex. I’m here.

For testing, scientists implanted electrodes that look like strands of spaghetti along the surface of the spinal cord. Electrodes give small impulses that stimulate specific areas and activate nerve cells in the spinal cord.

“Sensory nerves in the arms and hands send signals to motor neurons in the spinal cord that control the muscles in the limbs,” says study co-author Douglas Weber, Ph.D., professor of mechanical engineering at the Carnegie Mellon University Neuroscience Institute. says. “By stimulating these sensory nerves, we can amplify the activity of the muscles weakened by the stroke. It enhances muscle activation only when you are trying to move.”

Researchers say the technology could be used in a wider range of patients.

Rendulik says the stimulus is “like a tickle.” It doesn’t hurt at all, but it does take some getting used to.

As a small black plastic box glows and a flashing green light moves up and down her arm, the device enables movements unthinkable years ago.

Even on day one, she had a new range of motion. For more complex tasks, a little training was required.

“Once the stimulation is turned on, I feel like I have control over my arms and hands that I haven’t had control for over nine years,” she said.

Rendulik can lift his arms above his head, use a fork Bring food to her mouth, fully open, close her fistOthers who participated in the trial also showed promising results.

At some point during the trial, Rendulic picked up a soup can and released it onto a marked spot on the board. The lab around her cheered and she raised her other arm in the air to mark her victory.

“It’s just amazing,” she said.

The researchers also got another pleasant surprise. “After several weeks of use, we found that some of these improvements persisted even when the stimulation was turned off.” Marco Capogrosso said:

This means that even after removing the device, subjects may see long-term improvement with vigorous physical training.

No treatment appears to be effective in treating paralysis six months or more after a stroke, what doctors call the chronic phase.

The stimulation technique needs to be tested further, but the researchers say it has great potential.

And it may meet the growing needs. Doctors predict that one in four of her over the age of 25 will have a stroke in her lifetime, and many will develop some form of paralysis. According to the World Stroke Organization.

“Creating effective neurorehabilitation solutions for people affected by post-stroke movement disorders is more urgent than ever,” said study co-author Pitt, Phys. said Dr. Elvira Pirondini, Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation.

“Even mild disability from a stroke can isolate people from their social and professional lives and be very debilitating, and arm and hand movement disorders are particularly burdensome, requiring simple tasks such as writing, eating, and dressing.” It interferes with normal daily activities.”




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