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Man plans to sue NHS after cancer surgery is delayed due to coronavirus Society


Former senior NHS executives plan to sue the organization after having to pay £20,000 to a private hospital for potentially life-saving cancer surgery NHS Treatment discontinued due to Covid-19.

Rob McMahon, 68, decided to seek private treatment after saying that the NHS Trust at Worcestershire Acute Hospital had to wait much longer than usual before a biopsy. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer after an MRI scan on March 19 four days before lockdown began.

Mr. McMahon was scheduled to see a urologist on March 27, but was changed to a telephone consultation, not nearly two weeks later.

“In that appointment, the consultant said:’Don’t worry, these things are growing slowly. I can get a biopsy, but not a couple of months.” It’s been a long time,” so I decided to personally meet another consultant for the second opinion. “

A PET-CT scan confirmed a large tumor in both lobes of the prostate and a biopsy (both procedures were done personally). It indicates that cancer has the risk of falling out of the prostate capsule and spreading to the body. He then paid for a radical prostatectomy at a private Spire hospital.

“This is the care I should have received at the NHS, not the one I have to pay for myself. I had aggressive cancer. I needed urgent treatment-time to waste. There was no,” he said. “It was as if a veil had fallen over the NHS at the pandemic. He worked for the NHS for 17 years as a manager at hospitals in London, Birmingham, Redditch and Worcestershire, where he was chief executive officer of the NHS Primary Care Trust in Leicester. Served.”

According to Mary Smith of Novum Low, a lawyer at McMahon,

“He’s one of the lucky ones. As a retired CEO of the NHS, he knew how to navigate a complex healthcare system, and it was very personal that he had to pay for a second opinion. Rachel Power, Chief of Patients Association, said he had raised a question about the NHS’s £400 million, which deals with a private hospital for the month: “Patients respond to a pandemic. Were virtually booked to block the capabilities of the entire private health care sector, so the private sector has free space for life-saving surgery, which the NHS reserves for patients in need. It’s amazing to receive a report that it didn’t seem to have been there.”

Matthew Hopkins, CEO of NHS Trust, apologized to McMahon. “If any aspect of his care fell below the high standards we set for ourselves, or did not keep him informed about the decisions made regarding his treatment.” The Trust followed the NHS and cancer-specific guidance on which tests and procedures should still be performed at the hospital during the pandemic. He added that the most urgently needed patients, including cancer patients, were guaranteed to be treated elsewhere or in a local private hospital.


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