How smartwatches and fitness trackers interfere with pacemakers

- Researchers say smartphone fitness trackers can interfere with the operation of implanted devices such as pacemakers.
- They say the risk is not high, but people with implanted devices should be careful.
- Experts say the problem could become more prevalent in the future as the use of fitness trackers continues to grow.
The technology in our body may have problems with the technology in our body.
a study Published in a magazine today heart rhythm Smartwatches and other fitness trackers can interfere with pacemakers and other implanted devices, he said.
Wearable devices, usually focused on monitoring aspects of health such as heart rate, blood pressure, and other vital signs, are prevalent.
However, according to researchers, despite their obvious benefits, certain fitness and wellness trackers are not compatible with cardiac electronic implants such as pacemakers, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs), and cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) devices. It can also pose a serious risk to people using the equipment (CIED). .
Researchers investigated the functionality of CRT devices from three major manufacturers while applying currents used during bioimpedance sensing.
bioimpedance sensing A technology that releases a weak electrical current (measured in microamps) into the body.
An electrical current flows through the body and sensors measure the response to determine a person’s body composition (skeletal muscle mass or fat mass), level of stress, or vital signs such as respiratory rate.
“Bioimpedance sensing generated electrical interference that exceeded Food and Drug Administration-approved guidelines and prevented proper CIED function.” Benjamin Sanchez TeronesAn assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Utah, and the principal investigator of the study.
Sanchez Terrones emphasized that the results, determined through careful simulation and benchtop testing, convey no immediate or clear risk to people wearing trackers.
But different levels released can disrupt pacing or cause unnecessary shocks to the heart, he said.
“Our findings call for future clinical studies investigating patients with CIED and wearables,” said Sanchez Terrones.
The interaction of CIED with consumer electronics and, more recently, smartphones has been studied over the past few years.
Nearly all implantable heart devices already warn the wearer of possible interference from various electronic devices due to magnetic fields. For example, if you have your cell phone in your breast pocket near your pacemaker.
Researchers say the rise of wearable health technology has grown rapidly in recent years, blurring the lines between medical and consumer devices. Until this study, researchers say, objective evaluations for their safety have not caught up with new gadgets.
“Our study is the first to study devices employing bioimpedance sensing technology and find potential interference issues for CIED such as CRT devices,” said Sanchez Terrones. “We need to test a broader cohort of devices and patients using these devices. .”
Dr. John HigginsUTHealth A Healthline expert, a professor of cardiovascular medicine at McGovern Medical School in Houston, said he wondered about potential conflicts between internal and external devices.
“Smartwatches, smart scales, smart rings, and other smart devices/wearables often contain small magnets such as neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB) magnets that are small in size but generate strong magnetic fields. known to exist,” said Higgins. “This can interfere with the functioning of Permanent Pacemakers (PPM) and Automatic Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators (AICD) due to electrical interference. Usually, it takes a wearable within a few inches to cause significant problems. must be brought closer to
According to Higgins, possible complications include activating (firing) or deactivating an implanted cardioverter-defibrillator and permanently switching the pacemaker mode (which could cause the pacemaker to malfunction). I have.
“I’ve never been sick, but [I’ve] We’ve heard some issues with AICD/PPM malfunctioning,” said Higgins. “The electrophysiologist (the doctor who inserts the AICD and her PPM) usually warns the patient.”
Dr. Jim LiuHe is a cardiologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.
Nor have I ever heard of a doctor discussing potential problems.
“I don’t think doctors are currently warning patients about interference with wearable devices or CIED,” said Liu. “Previous studies have seen no problems with bioimpedance devices and his CIED, as the study mentions.”
Liu said it’s important to remember that the research is based on simulated models and electrical circuits.
“It’s unclear whether these findings translate into actual human bodies,” said Liu. “More research is needed to know if this is actually a concern.”
Nancy Mitchell She is a registered nurse and medical writer and has managed a cardiovascular patient care unit.
She told Healthline that she believes problems could arise as people become more involved in their healthcare and wearable devices become more powerful.
“Our findings show that both pacemakers and smart devices work by releasing an electrical charge,” Mitchell said. “Smartwatches can exceed these FDA-approved voltage thresholds, potentially compromising the performance of pacemaker implants. That alone can increase anxiety, especially if you’re unaware of the actual cause of your occasional zap.”
Risks are likely to vary from user to user, Mitchell said.
“It’s hard to pinpoint a specific brand or device,” says Mitchell. “The fees released are highly dependent on personal biometrics, so one device may cause complications for certain patients, but not others.”
Higgins said he doesn’t recommend using external health monitors for people with internal devices.
“We do not recommend using these devices with bioimpedance technology in this population (PPM or AICD) due to the potential for electrical interference,” she said. should be advised to keep wristbands/other wearables/other devices at least 6 inches away from cardiac devices and should not be worn while sleeping.”
Higgins said the issue will need to be addressed at some point.
“We may need to develop alternative technologies to these wearable magnets/magnetic fields, or we may need to develop stronger barriers/force fields for AICD/PPM shields to block this interference.” hmm,” he said.
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