Colorectal Cancer Rise in Adults Under 55, Reported
According to the American Cancer Society’s latest Colorectal Cancer Report, adults across the United States are being diagnosed with colon and rectal cancer at young ages, and now 1 in 5 new cases are in their early 50s or younger. is a patient of
According to the report, the proportion of adult colorectal cancer cases under the age of 55 increased from 11% in 1995 to 20% in 2019. There also appears to be a trend toward more advanced stage cancer diagnoses. In 2019, his 60% of new colorectal cases of all ages were progressive.
Dr. William Dahut, Chief Scientific Officer of the American Cancer Society, said: for example, Broadway actor Quentin Oliver Lee Died last year at age 34 after being diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer Chadwick Boseman dies at 43 of colon cancer.
“This was something we had never heard of or seen before, but now we have higher rates of colorectal cancer in people under 55,” Daft said.
The cause of the increase in colorectal cancer among young adults is difficult to pinpoint, but several factors may be related to changes in the environment and people’s diet.
“I’m not blaming anyone for being diagnosed with cancer,” Dahut said. “But when you see something happening in a short period of time, it’s more likely that it’s caused by something outside the patient, or at least, if you have something like colorectal cancer, the diet It’s hard not to think that something related to is not possible.”
The new report also says more people are surviving colorectal cancer, with relative survival at least five years after diagnosis rising from 50% in the mid-1970s to 65% from 2012 to 2018. is rising to
That’s good news, said Dr. Paul Oberstein, a medical oncologist at New York University Langone-Perlmutter Cancer Center. Overall trends suggest a slow decline in colorectal cancer incidence and mortality.
“Looking at the overall trend, the incidence of colon cancer in this report has decreased from 66 per 100,000 in 1985 to 35 per 100,000 in 2019, almost in half,” says Oberstein. said Mr.
“The change in mortality is even more impressive,” he said. “Back in 1970, the death rate from colon cancer was 29.2 per 100,000 people, and in 2020 it was 12.6 per 100,000 people. Dramatically reduced by more than 55%.”
Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States and the leading cause of cancer-related death in men under the age of 50.
Dahut says the best way to reduce your risk of colorectal cancer is to: Follow screening guidelines If recommended, undergo a stool-based test or a visual examination such as a colonoscopy. Suspicious polyps can be removed during visual inspection, reducing the risk of cancer.
“At ACS, we recommend starting screening at age 45 if your risk is average,” Dahut said. “Normally, subsequent screening is based on the results of that screening his test.”
For the new report, American Cancer Society researchers analyzed cancer screening, case, and death data from the National Cancer Institute and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Researchers found that from 2011 to 2019, the incidence of colorectal cancer among people under the age of 55 increased by 1.9% each year. Also, between 1970 and 2020, overall mortality from colorectal cancer fell by 57%, while mortality among those under the age of 50 continued to rise. % annually since 2004.
“While we know that the proportion of young people is increasing, it is alarming to see how rapidly the overall patient population is getting younger, even though the overall population numbers are declining,” the report said. said the author in a news release. “The trend of disease progression across all age groups is also striking and should motivate everyone over the age of 45 to be screened.”
Some parts of the United States appear to have higher colorectal cancer incidence and mortality than others. Data showed that these rates were lowest in the West and highest in Appalachia and parts of the South and Midwest. The incidence of colorectal cancer ranged from 27 cases per 100,000 in Utah to 46.5 per 100,000 in Mississippi. Mortality rates from colorectal cancer ranged from about 10 per 100,000 in Connecticut to 17.6 per 100,000 in Mississippi.
There were also some significant racial disparities. Researchers found that the number of cases and deaths from colorectal cancer was highest in Native American/Alaska Native and black communities. Specifically in men, data showed that mortality from colorectal cancer was 46% higher in Native American/Alaska Native men and 44% higher in black men compared to white men.
The report also says more left-sided tumors are being diagnosed. This means that tumor rates are increasing closer to the rectum. increase.
“Historically, we’ve been more concerned about tumors called the right side,” said NYU Langone’s Oberstein.
“But the increasing incidence, especially among young people, seems to be happening not only with those worse tumors, but also with those that we think are less bad,” he said, referring to the left-hand side. He mentioned tumors.
Looking ahead, the researchers found that there will be 153,020 colorectal cancer cases diagnosed in the United States this year and an estimated 52,550 colorectal cancer deaths, of which 3,750, or 7%, will be under age 50. presumed to be people.
“These highly concerning data demonstrate the urgent need to invest in targeted cancer research dedicated to understanding and preventing early-onset colorectal cancer,” said CEO of the American Cancer Society. Karen Knudsen, Ph.D., said in a news release. “The shift towards diagnosing more advanced disease highlights the importance of life-saving screening and early detection.”
The report’s findings, including an increase in colorectal cancer among young adults, are “troubling,” said Dr. Joel Gabre, a gastrointestinal cancer expert at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, in an email.
“This echoes other recently published findings that show rising rates of colorectal cancer among young people. There is no cause and patient diagnosis is being delayed, and we think this is an area that needs more funding for research to understand this truly alarming rise,” the report said. Gabre, who was not involved, wrote:
“It’s devastating,” said Gabre, who said he knows what it’s like to look a young patient in the eye and tell them they have colorectal cancer.
“They have young families and a lot of life ahead of them, so we encourage patients over the age of 45 to get screened,” said Gabre. “I also recommend letting your doctor know if you have a family history of colon cancer. I have.”
The findings highlight the importance of colorectal cancer screening, said Robin Mendelsohn, M.D., a gastroenterologist and co-director of the Early-Onset Colorectal and Gastrointestinal Cancer Center at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in an email. said in
“The age to start screening was recently lowered to 45. This will help us screen more people, but we need to understand more why we are seeing this increase and this is my We are actively investigating it,” Mendelsohn wrote. We are not involved in the new report.
Dr. Mendelsohn says there’s been an increase in diagnoses of advanced colorectal cancer among younger patients, and he says to look out for symptoms such as rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, and changes in bowel habits.
“Until we understand more, it’s important that patients and healthcare providers recognize these symptoms so they can be assessed quickly,” she said. “And if you’re old enough to be tested, get tested.”
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