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Are potatoes vegetables?Here is the voice of a nutritionist

Are potatoes vegetables?Here is the voice of a nutritionist


Whether a potato is a vegetable or not is up to the questioner.

return in 2011Nutrition experts at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health teamed up with researchers from Harvard Health Publications to create a meal plan for optimal health.

Harvard’s Healthy Eating Plate — or “Harvard Diet” — Suggests prioritizing vegetables and fruits in half of each meal. The other half should be optimized for whole grains and healthy proteins.

But if you’re following this plan, you might want to consider cutting potatoes out of your diet entirely.

“From a nutritional point of view, potatoes are not vegetables,” Lilian Cheung, a nutrition lecturer at the Harvard TH Chang School of Public Health, told CNBC Make It.

“Potatoes behave almost like refined carbohydrates. They raise blood sugar levels.”

Harvard School of Public Health We compare the effect of potatoes on blood sugar levels to that of a can of cola and a handful of jelly beans.Studies also suggest that starchy tubers may be responsible for increased risk obesity and Diabetes.

However, not all nutritionists share the same opinion about potatoes.

Are potatoes vegetables?

Potatoes should absolutely be considered a vegetable, according to Pennsylvania-based registered dietitian nutritionist Felicia Polazza.

“When you think about what vegetables really are, potatoes fall into that category. It’s just a starchy thing,” says Polazza. Vegetables are the “edible parts of plants”, and tubers like potatoes fit that description.

Botanically, potatoes have no other category, so they are just vegetables, says Qi Sun, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Nutrition and Epidemiology at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health.

“But for us [at Harvard’s school of public health]vegetables mean healthy plant-based foods,” Sun says.

“Potatoes cannot be called a healthy vegetable.”

But it’s worth noting that potatoes are complex, adds Polazza. They can raise your blood sugar levels, but they also contain great nutrients such as potassium, fiber, and vitamins C and B6.

Like you think of anything else as a vegetable, I wouldn’t necessarily consider it a vegetable, but I would classify it as a starchy plant food.

diana power

registered dietitian

For Diana Ushyay Registered Dietitian at New York-Presbyterian Hospital and Erica Leon Nutrition, “There’s no easy answer,” because potatoes are so different from traditional vegetables like celery and broccoli.

“Like you think of anything else as a vegetable, I wouldn’t necessarily consider it a vegetable, but I would classify it as a starchy plant food.”

Ushay adds that potatoes shouldn’t be the only plant-based food in most meals, and should be served with green vegetables.

Still, “potatoes are affordable. . ”

5 ways to get the most out of what potatoes have to offer

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