There are ways to reduce the effects of hay fever
It’s April and my eyes are itchy. What is this?
you are right. Many people develop allergies in March and April of each year (and many develop allergies in other months, and some tolerate allergies year-round). , nose, throat, lungs and skin. The causative agents are mainly pollen (mainly juniper and cottonwood, but there are others), which are widely spread by the wind. Spring catarrh is a commonly used term for eye allergies. Allergies range from mild irritation to significant involvement that affects normal daily life.
Allergy rates seem to be increasing every decade. The reasons for this are not clear, but some experts feel that as infections decline (due to vaccines, improved hygiene), allergy rates are rising. . Climate change will not help. As the Earth warms, the pollen season is apparently getting longer and spreading north. Pollen counts and pollen antigen counts also increase, which can lead to more severe allergies.
Allergies affect approximately 20-25% of the population. It is often run in families, but not always. That means one member of your family may develop eczema, while another may develop spring catarrh or another asthma or nasal allergy.
So what can you do about it? We feel that prevention is better than cure, and we should try to avoid pollen as much as possible. This means it can be difficult to cut down all the trees in your neighborhood or move to another state of lock, stock or barrel!
Here are some expert suggestions for preventing allergies (or avoiding allergens that cause symptoms):
• shower or bathe at the end of the day or when the child returns from outside to reduce the allergen load on clothing, hair and body;
• Remove your shoes outside to reduce the amount of pollen entering your home.
• Stay indoors while mowing or avoid playing in tall grass during pollen season.
Look for and remove mold from your home
• If dust mites are a trigger, avoid dampening your home, such as with a humidifier. Contrary to popular belief, dust mites love moisture. Mites are insects that reproduce in the scales of human skin and can be found on bedding, rugs, and upholstered furniture. Linen he recommends laundering at a high temperature every 1-2 weeks. The same goes for using allergen-proof zip-up covers on mattresses and pillows.
• Seeking professional help to rid your home of pests can be an important means of reducing allergens (cockroach droppings, saliva and shedding are important allergens in multiple studies). shown to be).
• Pets with allergies can be distressing in many ways. Experts recommend trying HEPA filters to reduce allergens and vacuuming and bathing your pet frequently.
• Viral infections such as influenza and Covid can trigger asthma flare-ups. It’s a good idea to protect against these.
• Avoiding tobacco, harsh chemicals and even perfumes can reduce allergy rates in sensitive children.
• Avoid dust in your home – clean and vacuum regularly, keep windows closed during dust storms, avoid rugs, carpets and stuffed animals.
• Use the Pollen app to track the amount of pollen in the air in your geographic location.
So where do you start? Most experts recommend testing to find out what exactly your child is allergic to, if it is not obvious, or if it is more than trivial and short-lived. There are different types, and I won’t go into them here, but it’s a good idea to check with your pediatrician.
Once the allergen is identified, prevention through allergen avoidance is important. If that is not possible, oral or topical antihistamines and oral or topical steroids can help control symptoms well. (Think of it like a small dose of a vaccine given over a period of time).
Anyway, the joy of spring is here. Take action, avoid exposure to certain allergens as much as possible, and talk to your doctor about how to stay healthy!
Pankaj Vohra is a Pediatric Gastroenterologist at UNM.Submit your question [email protected].>
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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