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Finding: You May Lose Weight With Keto, But That Is Not The Healthiest Way To Do It


bacon. As the fruits of the gods, the great joy of human beings, or comedian Jim Gafigan say, “Bacon is awesome. Even frying bacon is like applauding.”

So, if you choose to do a new diet or diet plan, telling you that you can eat bacon can help most people get it. This is a kind of “biohacking” that’s all the rage right now, especially when you later learn about your intentions to trick your body into burning fat.

Steak and butter, and yes, all the bacon you can eat. Ketogenic diet is a marketing dream. The ability to lose weight very fast and very fast while eating what you love.

As a result, advertising and word-of-mouth far exceed what science has proven for its long-term effects. Therefore, while losing weight, becoming full, and loving diet planning, it can cause unknown problems. When informed choice is the best choice, it’s time to know a little about the diet, its history, and its future.

The ketogenic diet is based on the idea that the liver uses stored fat to eat the way to a metabolic state that occurs when it begins to produce ketones for energy.

“Glucose, derived primarily from carbohydrates, is the main fuel source for our body for many important bodily functions,” says registered dietitian Paularos. “When glucose isn’t available due to inadequate carbohydrate intake, the body uses proteins and fats in alternative metabolic pathways to generate energy. We believe that these alternative metabolic pathways can lead to weight loss. It is being done.”

And most of the time I’ve just recently entered the lexicon Treatment of epilepsy – Especially for children. And while research is ongoing, treatment is still in use. The idea is that the brain’s electrical energy is suppressed by denying the brain access to glucose and instead converting it into ketone-based metabolism.

People with epilepsy-disorders that mean someone is more prone to seizures, or people who have had seizures-have electrical abnormalities in their brains. Normal electrical patterns are destroyed by sudden, synchronized bursts of electrical energy that affect consciousness, movement, or sensation. Therefore, it is possible to reduce seizures by weakening the electrical energy of what is called refractory epilepsy (one that does not respond to conventional treatments).

However, the reason it is used frequently in children is that it is severely adherent, requiring medical supervision (and fairly frequent use of feeding tubes) to provide the patient with enough nutrients to continue. It is a difficult diet. It develops normally, but seizure activity slows or stops. Even when a child eats a solid meal, even down to toothpaste, they have to be calculated, weighed and measured.

As you can imagine, this is not a long-term solution.

The reasons are the composition of the meal, how difficult it is to maintain and the supervision it needs.

A ketogenic diet for epilepsy requires that 90% of a person’s daily calories come from fat. If one gram of fat equals 9 calories and the average adult needs 2,000 to 2,500 calories per day, some people eat 200 to 250 grams of fat per day on a ketogenic diet for epilepsy.

Of course, that is epilepsy. Ketogenic diets for weight loss are different, but not as you think.

There are different versions of the consumer diet, and hundreds of books now have recipes and percentage breakdowns, but in general, about 75% of calories are from fat and 20% are protein. From, and from 5 carbs a cent.

You use the same 9 calories for 1 gram of fat, but 4 calories per gram of carbohydrate, and so for protein. The configuration looks like this: 167 grams of fat. 100 grams of protein; and 25 grams of carbohydrate.

Let’s return to bacon in the form of food. 100 grams of delicious bacon contains about 42 grams of fat, 37 grams of protein, and about 1.4 grams of carbohydrates. A medium banana is about 27 grams of carbs. One of the best parts of the diet for many fans is the lack of hunger they feel, and how satisfied they are with other diets. Bacon does it.

But the idea that bacon is the perfect diet food can be incredible. What really tastes good and wants to die is because you play a long game and somehow kill you. It, and it doesn’t have many nutrients.

“Ketone diets are so restrictive that individuals who continue on this diet can develop malnutrition,” Ross says. “The nutrients of particular concern in the ketogenic diet are calcium, vitamin D, selenium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. Focused on the selection of nutritious foods due to their potential impact on nutrient deficiency A diet plan is especially important when limiting both energy and carbohydrate intake.”

The ketone diet is changing, but you may have heard the difference between “clean keto” and “dirty keto” in an attempt to focus more on unsaturated fats. Animal protein.

But if successful, if you can get your body into ketosis and burn fat, you will almost certainly lose weight. That is the reason for all the enthusiasm behind the diet.

You lose weight and get faster. Indeed, you need to count and recount all grams of calories, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. If you eat too much protein, you will have to rethink your body. You will lose weight if you use one of the many available ketone tests, join the message board and concentrate on this meal plan. Anyway first – research shows that there may be There is no clear advantage More than other types of weight loss diets.

That’s what happens after the first loss that can be tricky.

First, most advocates of weight loss diets clearly state that it is not a long-term solution. Even Dr. Joshuax, a devotee and author of several diet books, Over a few months Before moving to the less restrictive maintenance phase at once. Some have made the transition to “ketocycling”-a more flexible version that allows you to cheat, thinking about going back and forth between ketosis-and it may be easier to stick, but also to your body. Burdens It is easy to make a big noise..

And part of the reason you’re losing weight so quickly is not just ketones. “The main reason people see results according to the ketogenic diet is to strictly limit carbohydrates, including the removal of ultra-processed carbohydrates (sugar-rich foods such as soft drinks, donuts, cookies, cakes and pastries). -And they are reducing their overall calorie intake, which leads to weight loss.” So this is the first change. Just eat a little better.

“They also see a reduction in size because of the loss of glycogen and protein along with large amounts of body fluids and important minerals. Many people confuse this weight loss with weight loss of fat, When they don’t recognize that they are two different things and their individuals return to a balanced diet, their bodies will retain the nutrients they need and their weight will return,” Ross adds.

You may also be aware of other problems if you have heard the word “ketoflu” or sniffed a person on a diet. The flu is really the result of your body getting rid of addiction. And the patient compared it to quitting caffeine. It can cause nausea, fatigue, headache, constipation, and bad breath as a result of acetone, the smallest ketone that is released during ketosis and can escape from the body only through breathing and urine.

Of course, there is another problem. If you have kidney disease or have problems with gout-related joint inflammation, this is not a diet for you.

And, of course, when you step out of ketosis, this happens repeatedly.

The difficulties, however, did not make the diet less popular. In 2019, the ketogenic diet is the most searched food-related item on Google, Dalhousie University Twenty-six percent of Canadians say they have taken, tried, or considered a ketogenic diet over the past 18 months. But that’s probably also why the number of Canadians doubles Stop and start Still on it.

For successful people, the next question is what will happen in the long run.

By the way, is there an answer “I don’t know”?

That’s what the study shows-because there is really no long-term (12-24 months or more) research on how the way in and out of ketosis can affect your body. Needless to say, most people try their diets without medical or nutritional support. It can mean malnutrition and other unknown problems even when playing sports with a perfect beach body.

Second, the problem called weight cycling is exacerbated. If the weight loss plan is reduced in any way, it often comes back after a successful weight loss-overweight, trying to take it off, over and over again-with the yo-yo diet Some actual damage..

However, if the ketogenic diet as a dietary plan sounds like what you can comply with, then the type of food and the level of calculation required, then Ross suggests to first consider why it is. .. Then take the list to a registered dietitian.

“To date, there is no strong evidence to support this diet as a sustainable and effective treatment for weight loss, and the negative effects of dieting are unknown,” Ross says.

“Given the significant impact of ketogenic diets on food choices and the challenges of long-term dietary compliance, we will focus on helping clients make sustainable behavior changes and achieving long-term success. We recommend that you consider a more balanced approach to weight loss and maintenance.”

The ketogenic diet does not go away quickly, but it is important to weigh the enthusiasm with the evidence. Not so many at the moment. But if you’re working with a health professional who can monitor your health and can afford the wide range of ingredients, support apps, and test kits you need, you’ll lose weight in the future.

However, a US News and World report released a list of the 2020 best diets produced by 25 judges in the medical and health sector, including Dr. David Katz, founding director of the Center for Preventive Research at Yale University. It may be interesting to note that.

Ketogenic Second last.

Jenny Lamothe is a freelance writer, proofreader and editor at Greater Sudbury. Contact her through her website,

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