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Carver-Scott Humane Society survives metropolitan canine flu epidemic | Chan Hassen

Carver-Scott Humane Society survives metropolitan canine flu epidemic | Chan Hassen


In recent months, the Carver-Scott Humane Society has been working with other humanitarian and animal protection organizations to find ways to provide services while combating the canine flu outbreak in the Twin Cities area.

According to the Minnesota Animal Health Commission, canine influenza is “a contagious respiratory disease of dogs caused by the influenza A virus.”

The symptoms are very similar to the flu in humans, said Ashley Liddell, a board-certified veterinary technologist and CSHS dog adoption coordinator and intake coordinator. He said the disease is often spread by dog-to-dog contact, but because it is viral, “it can float in the air for a while.”

The Minnesota Animal Health Commission announced in an April 6 press release that it had quarantined animal rescue groups based in Anoka, Hennepin, and Washington counties following reports of nearly 200 sick dogs. . Four of the 200 cases of canine influenza have been confirmed, with the remaining 196 still listed as suspect.

As of May 10, this year, one case in Anoka County, one case in Carver County, and 15 cases in Hennepin County have been reported, according to commission data.

Liddell said the CSHS became aware of the first epidemic around late March or early April.

No cases of canine flu have been identified in the humane community throughout this season. Liddell said CSHS cares for the dogs through a foster-based system rather than accepting them directly at the Chaska facility, which reduces the risk of infection.

“The good news is that our dogs are basically adopted and sent straight to foster homes,” she says. “Shelter environments are great and can help a lot of dogs. .”

The dogs are not kept by humanitarian organizations, but are occasionally visited by their owners or foster parents for veterinary care. Liddell said CSHS is taking steps to minimize the possibility of spreading disease within the building.

This requires the owner or foster parent to bring the small dog directly to the examination room.

“We don’t really let them roam. and they’re trying to accommodate by staying in their rooms,” Liddell said.

Even during open hours, CSHS strives to limit the number of dog visits per day and to space out incoming dogs.

Participation in events is also beginning to be in jeopardy. Humanitarian organizations have been forced to cancel an adoption event at the Hoppy Race event in Waconia on May 6.

Liddell said summer is a popular time for adoptions, as well as adoption events and community outreach. As the season approaches, she said there are future concerns about how the disease will affect dog adoption rates at CSHS.

“We’re new to this outbreak, so it didn’t affect us badly, but if it continues for a few months and gets worse, I honestly think it could get really serious.” she said.

Liddell added that not being able to attend these events can also have a negative impact on a dog’s mental and social state.

“This is like the novel coronavirus,” she said. “We’ve all been locked up for so long that you should be wondering, ‘How lonely are these dogs?'” Are they getting the abundance they need? Are they developing the necessary sociability? In the future, if this continues all summer, that’s what I’m worried about. “

“Be smart, but don’t worry,” Liddell advised dog owners and foster parents in metropolitan areas. He said people caring for high-risk dogs, including older dogs, young puppies and dogs with underlying medical conditions, should take extra precautions.

“What I can say, whether your animal is old, young, healthy or sick, in general, is not to go to dog parks now, Just remember not to take your dog to the pet store as usual,” she said.

Liddell also advised people to keep more distance from their dogs and be careful not to come into close contact with other random dogs for the time being.

“I hope this issue is resolved relatively quickly,” she said. “At the end of the day, we want these dogs to be happy and have good lives…so for now I think we’re just going to take it day by day. Here. Hopefully next month it will calm down somewhat and it will take its own course.”




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