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Vaccines using mRNA can protect livestock from disease, but conventional vaccines may not

Vaccines using mRNA can protect livestock from disease, but conventional vaccines may not


To David Verhoeven, Iowa State University

An effective vaccine against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) should have ushered in the benefits of mRNA vaccines, but fear and misinformation Their supposed danger also spread at the same time. Recently, these misconceptions about mRNA vaccines have led to concerns that their use in agricultural animals could expose people to vaccine components. in animal products such as meat and milk.

In fact, many states have drafted or are considering legislation to make the use of mRNA vaccines in food animals illegal, or at least to require the labeling of mRNA vaccines on animal products in grocery stores. Idaho Submits Bill It would then be a misdemeanor to administer any kind of mRNA vaccine to humans or mammals, including the COVID-19 vaccine.a Missouri bill It was supposed to mandate the labeling of animal products derived from animals that have received mRNA vaccines, but was unable to leave the committee. Arizona and Tennessee It also proposes a label bill. some more state legislature We are discussing similar measures.

I researchers making vaccines I have been researching for years and started working on mRNA vaccines before the pandemic started.My research on using mRNA vaccine against bovine respiratory virus Social media users and anti-vaccine activists argue that using these vaccines on animals could endanger the health of those who receive them.

However, these vaccines have been proven to reduce disease on farms, making it nearly impossible for them to get into food.

Conventional animal vaccine approach

in food animals, several vaccines It has long been available to farmers to protect livestock from common diseases. These include inactivated vaccines containing killed pathogens, live attenuated vaccines containing attenuated pathogens, and subunit vaccines containing parts of pathogens. All can elicit a sufficient level of protection from disease symptoms and infections. These vaccines are manufactured by usually cheap.

However, each of these vaccines there is a drawback.

Inactivated and subunit vaccines often do not generate a strong enough immune response, and pathogens mutate quickly to limit vaccine efficacy. Attenuated pathogens in live attenuated vaccines have a small chance of: Undo It can either revert to a fully virulent form or mix with other circulating pathogens to become a new vaccine-resistant pathogen. Also, their production requires growth in specific cell cultures, which can be time consuming.

there is also some pathogens – Porcine genital and respiratory syndrome virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, etc. H5N1 influenza And for African swine fever virus, all three of these traditional approaches have yet to produce an effective vaccine.

Another major drawback of all three of these vaccines is time consuming Get federal approval to test and use them. Vaccines for animals usually take: 3 years or more From development to approval is done by the US Department of Agriculture. If a new virus enters the farm, it may take too long to contain the epidemic using conventional vaccines to catch up.

Advantages of animal mRNA vaccines

used by all cells mRNA contains instructions Make proteins needed to perform specific functions. The mRNAs used in vaccines encode instructions for making proteins from the desired pathogen that immune cells learn to recognize and attack. This process builds immunological memorySo when pathogens carrying the same protein enter the body, the immune system is ready to mount a quick and powerful response.

Compared to conventional vaccines, mRNA vaccines have several advantages that make them ideal for protecting humans and livestock from both emerging and persistent diseases.

Unlike inactivated or subunit vaccines, mRNA vaccines increase the accumulation of vaccine proteins in cells over time and use conditions similar to viral infection to train the immune system. As with live attenuated vaccines, this process strong immune response With it, you may be able to build better protection. In contrast to live attenuated viruses, mRNA vaccines cannot revert to pathogenic forms or mix with circulating pathogens. Additionally, mRNA vaccines can be used if the gene sequence of the target pathogen is known. Produced fairly quickly.

The mRNA contained in the vaccine is in a form that is structurally similar to that normally found in the body, such as that used in human COVID-19 vaccines, or self-amplification called saRNA. Because saRNA allows for higher levels of protein synthesis, researchers believe less mRNA is needed to generate similar levels of immunity. However, a novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) saRNA vaccine for humans has been developed. By biopharmaceutical company CureVac Less protective than traditional mRNA approaches.

Merck continuity It is currently the only saRNA vaccine licensed for use in animals and is available by prescription to prevent swine flu in pigs.

Persistence of mRNA vaccine components

All mRNA vaccines are manufactured in the laboratory by: Developed decades ago. Only recently has technology advanced to the point where the body does not immediately reject viruses by activating each cell’s unique antiviral defenses. This rejection occurs before the immune system can mount a response.

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines used in humans mix modified nucleotides – A building block of RNA – Contains unmodified nucleotides, allowing mRNA to hide from cell-intrinsic antiviral sensors. These modified nucleotides are what allow the mRNA to persist within the body’s cells. how many days than that just a few hours It’s like natural mRNA.

New ways to administer vaccines lipid nanoparticles It also prevents the mRNA from being degraded before it enters the cell and starts making proteins.

Despite this stability, mRNA vaccines do not persist long enough in animals after injection for any component of the vaccine to be on grocery store shelves. Unlike vaccines for humans, manufacturers of animal vaccines withdrawal period To obtain USDA approval. This means that no component of the vaccine can be detected in animals prior to milking or slaughter. Considering the short lifespans of some agricultural animals and the intensive milking schedules, the withdrawal period often needs to be very short.

During the forced withdrawal period of the vaccine, the flash pasteurization of milk, the decomposition on the shelf, and the food preparation process, no vaccine can be left behind for human consumption.Even if the remaining mRNA molecules are ingested, the gastrointestinal tract degrade them rapidly.

Some mRNA vaccines for animals is in Early stage of development. Merck’s USDA-approved Sequiivity does not use modified nucleotides or lipid nanoparticles that allow the vaccine components to circulate in the body for slightly longer periods of time, so long-term persistence is unlikely.

As with humans, animal vaccines Tested for safety and efficacy In clinical trials.Authorization for use from USDA Vaccine Biologics Center Moderate protection against infection and disease symptoms is required. Like all animal vaccines, future mRNA vaccines must be completely cleared from the animal’s body before being used in animals for human consumption.

mRNA vaccines for more livestock

Whether mRNA vaccines will replace other types of vaccines for livestock remains to be determined.of Cost of manufacturing these vaccinestheir need Keep very cold and warm before use The avoidance of degradation and the efficacy of different types of mRNA vaccines all still need to be addressed before large-scale use takes place.

Conventional vaccines for food animals are protected them from many diseases. Limiting the use of mRNA vaccines now means losing new ways to protect animals from nasty pathogens that current vaccines can’t fight off.conversation

article written by David VerhoevenAssistant Professor of Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine, Iowa State University

This article is reprinted from conversation Under Creative Commons Original work.




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