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Public Health Officials Identify Mosquito Pool Tested Positive for St. Louis Encephalitis | Features

Public Health Officials Identify Mosquito Pool Tested Positive for St. Louis Encephalitis | Features


Imperial County – The Imperial County Public Health Department announced Friday, June 23, that a local mosquito pool tested positive for St. Louis encephalitis (SLE).

According to a press release from the Imperial County Public Health Department, a mosquito pool has been identified near SE Street in the City of Imperial. Samples were collected on June 20th and results were received on June 23rd. This will be the first confirmed SLE-positive mosquito pool in Imperial County in 2023.

“Mosquito activity increases in warmer weather, increasing the risk of mosquito-borne illness,” County Health Officer Dr. Stephen Munday said in a release. Protect yourself from mosquito bites. Residents are encouraged to take steps to eliminate standing water on the premises that can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. “

The public health agency’s vector control program has installed about 52 mosquito traps in strategic areas of the county, mostly within city limits, according to the statement. Traps are checked several times a week and mosquito pools are collected weekly.

“The agency will continue to monitor disease activity and treat affected areas,” said Jeff Lamour, deputy director of the Department of Environmental Health, in a release. “While positive mosquitoes were collected in specific areas, all county residents should take precautions such as wearing repellent at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active and minimizing outdoor activity. must be taken.”

Symptoms of St. Louis encephalitis (SLE) include fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. Severe neuroinvasive disease, often accompanied by encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain, is more common among older people, according to the announcement. There is no vaccine or drug to prevent SLE.

According to the announcement, SLE is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected by eating infected birds. You can reduce your risk of mosquito-borne illness by taking the following precautions:

· Limit time spent outdoors to dawn and dusk.

· Wear loose, light-colored, long-sleeved shirts and trousers outdoors during the times when mosquitoes are most active (dusk and dawn).

· Apply a repellent containing DEET, picaridin, or lemon eucalyptus oil as directed on the label to prevent mosquito bites.

· Make sure your doors and windows have screens that fit tightly. Repair or replace any torn or punctured screens.

· Eliminate all sources of standing water on the premises that may promote mosquito breeding by:

– Drain or remove old tires, buckets, plastic covers, toys, or other containers where mosquitoes can breed.

– Empty and replace the water in bird baths, fountains, water play pools, rainwater troughs, and potting trays at least once a week to destroy potential mosquito habitat.

– Drain or fill temporary puddles with soil.

– Maintains swimming pool water treatment and circulation.

· If you have a serious mosquito problem where you live or work, please contact Vector Control.

“If you or anyone in your household thinks you or someone in your family has any symptoms that concern you, please contact your primary care provider,” the release reads.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides a convenient search tool that members of the public can use to find the most suitable repellent products for themselves and their families. This tool is available at:– find a repellent/repellent – yes.

For additional information about St. Louis encephalitis, visit the California Department of Public Health website.




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