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Inside the COVID-19 intensive care unit


Miserable footage was shared at the forefront of the Coronavirus in Melbourne as hospital staff uncovered the “miserable” reality of working in an intensive care unit.

ABC’s 7.30 Photographed in three ICU wards in Melbourne to help doctors and nurses save as many COVID-19 patients as possible around the clock.

One in ten ICU patients in Victoria has a coronavirus. Footscray Hospital has 6 patients admitted to COVID-19 and 2 admitted to the ICU.

One of the ICU patients has grandfather Vishwa Nathan Nair who has been in the ward for the past two weeks.

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His son Abi, who has a coronavirus and is quarantined at home, told the program he was struggling to face the fact that his father could die.

“I don’t think my mother lives without him. I can’t imagine living without a dad,” he said.

“I’ve talked a few times, but I tried to skip it. It would be disastrous.”

ICU does not allow you to be with your family members when they die. Instead, the nurse is near the patient and makes a video call with the family.

Dr. Forbes McGain, Doctor of Footscray Hospital ICU 7.30 The second wave of Victoria was “more concerned” because of the high amount of infection from the community.

“Our intensive care unit is rapidly filling up, which is actually quite disastrous,” he said.

“The other day I died a patient who was palliative. This is really tragic. This is why the patient died.”

Dr. McGain, who works 12 hours shifts, said it was “especially difficult” for nurses.

“I feel to them because they are most exposed to patients and try to do all the good care they can, but they know they are at higher risk,” he said. Said.

“And you want to go home and your family won’t receive a COVID from you.”

“Shock of Shock”

Another ICU is Kylie Dyke who is pregnant with twins and is wearing a ventilator at Royal Melbourne Hospital.

Her partner Chris Rasig Shared her story on facebook Earlier this week, both were diagnosed with coronaviruses, and she revealed that she was slowly making progress.

“For those who haven’t heard the news, this post may be a little shocking,” Rasig wrote.

“Kaillee and I both had COVID-19, and she’s still very ill while I was fully recovered.”

He shared a video of Mr. Dyke taken at the couple’s house last Saturday. It showed that she had a hard time breathing.

“But after recording it right away, she was taken by ambulance to the Royal Melbourne Hospital and replenished with oxygen for intensive care.

“She was on a ventilator this week for a week and calmed down, so I don’t know what’s going on. But she’s slowly progressing and increasing her breath alone on a machine that provides backup only I am.

“Waiting her lungs to heal enough to work on her own is a problem now. Doctors say it’s very difficult to predict that with COVID-19, but hopefully it will be there soon. Let’s.”

Russig shared a message from Ms. Dyke The need to wear a mask, Revealed that the couple were talking about this issue before they got sick.

“If the government says they wear masks, do it. It’s clear that they have a reason, rather than being overly responsive to the measures they have taken. And…everyone has it You can put it in.”

One in ten ICUs is COVID-19

Australian Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nick Coatesworth Reveals o1 in 10 intensive care units in Victoria The patient currently has a coronavirus.

Of the 5942 coronavirus cases in Victoria, 127 patients are currently hospitalized, 31 of whom are receiving intensive care.

The two in ICU are 30 years old, with the help of ventilators, Dr. Cotsworth told reporters today.

“We know that COVID-19 can affect all ages and can affect all ages with severe illness,” he said.

“The problem is the proportion of people who get sick at different ages, and the older the older they are, the more likely they are to become seriously ill.

“It’s not to exempt anyone from the possibility of serious COVID-19 illness and the fact that there are two people in their thirties…assuming they are healthy, they are 20 or 30 seconds.

“The virus is not discriminatory and potentially you can be very ill, fatally ill and life threatening.”

But Dr. Coatesworth said the stats were “great news for anyone in need of intensive care for a severe COVID disease.”

“And, at least in part, it’s one of the reasons why the results of intensive care are so good compared to other parts of the world. COVID-19 care is available when and when it is needed. Because it is ventilated and cared for,” he said.


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