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Has the COVID-19 pandemic widening the mental health gap in the UK?

Has the COVID-19 pandemic widening the mental health gap in the UK?


In a recent study published in BMC Public Health, researchers investigate the diverse impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on mental health and inequalities within the adult population of the United Kingdom.

Study: Inequalities and mental health during the Coronavirus pandemic in the UK: a mixed-methods exploration. Image Credit: Svetlana Khutornaia / Shutterstock.comStudy: Inequalities and mental health during the Coronavirus pandemic in the UK: a mixed-methods exploration. Image Credit: Svetlana Khutornaia /


Since the declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic in March 2020, significant mental health implications have emerged amid the enormous physical health impacts of the pandemic.

The pandemic has enhanced existing mental health inequalities in the U.K., thereby intensifying distress and loneliness. Vulnerable groups with pre-existing mental health conditions have experienced significant deterioration during lockdowns, while economic repercussions have disparately impacted individuals with lower incomes.

Further research is essential to address the multifaceted and nuanced mental health repercussions and growing inequalities stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. These studies should focus on prevention, early intervention, and the development of personalized solutions for distinct population groups experiencing varied impacts, especially in the context of evolving socioeconomic disparities and deteriorating mental health indicators.

About the study

The current study utilized a design incorporating online surveys and focus group discussions (FGDs) aimed at understanding the depth, nature, and intricacies of mental health experiences during the pandemic.

FGDs were meticulously crafted to elucidate perceptions surrounding inequalities not captured by the quantitative survey data. More specifically, FGDs focused on diverse elements like disparities in experiences of inequality, socioeconomic contrasts, and resilience and coping mechanisms in mental health. This approach facilitated a profound exploration of individual viewpoints and expedited policy responses to unfolding issues.

Study participants were engaged through intermediary organizations and received extensive briefings prior to giving their consent to participate. Discussions were held virtually, with the ensuing findings scrupulously transcribed and examined through thematic analysis that was overseen by specialists in public mental health and qualitative research. 

The qualitative insights were harmonized with the quantitative results from the surveys to provide a thorough understanding of how the pandemic affected mental health among varied demographic segments within the U.K. In essence, the study offered an integrated perspective on the multifaceted impacts of the pandemic on mental health, underlining the value of both quantitative and qualitative approaches in addressing the experiences of diverse populations.

Study findings 

In exploring socioeconomic inequalities during the pandemic, three survey waves and FGDs revealed profound impacts on mental health across varied demographic segments.

Wave two, conducted in April 2020, identified various concerns, such as financial worries and job losses among 2,221 participants, thus demonstrating the detrimental effects of socioeconomic inequalities on mental wellness. Wave four in June 2020 illustrated diverging mental health experiences among 4,382 participants as lockdown measures eased, with 53% experiencing anxiety. 

The study continued with Wave Six in August 2020, focusing on resilience and coping strategies among 4,584 participants. Coping experiences included accessing nature and familial connections, often described as cathartic for most individuals. A corresponding FGD on resilience and coping strategies revealed differing levels of resilience among participants.

The focus groups universally amplified the impact of the pandemic on existing inequalities, with notable strain on self-employed individuals, small businesses, and the youth. Discussions were rife with concerns about the potential exacerbation of inequalities due to the departure of the U.K. from the European Union (EU), which heightened financial insecurities and feelings of powerlessness. The surge in first-time callers to mental health support lines underscored the widespread emotional impact of the pandemic and likely reflects a population-level mental health crisis.

Participants unanimously highlighted an urgent need for more funding to address social determinants of health and wellbeing. The prevalent lack of clarity and coherence in information-sharing and government communication across the U.K. was also a prominent concern, as it added stress and confusion to an already tense environment.

Varied experiences and concerns emerged regarding the reopening of society, with pressures to resume social interactions notably profound among ethnic minorities and older adults, who expressed fears of diminished protection and increased vulnerability post-lockdown. Some children expressed a preference for online education, and concerns were raised over their adjustment to mainstream schooling.

Nature and outdoor activities emerged as paramount coping mechanisms, as they offered solace and mental health support during lockdowns. The benefits of working from home were also extensively discussed, with an emphasis on the reduced financial and emotional strain it provided; however, potential pressures of premature social interactions were acknowledged as stress points.

Online and offline connections with family, friends, and the community were considered essential for emotional stability. However, concerns persisted over high-risk social interactions and the potential recklessness of others.

The importance of community connectedness and mutual support groups was highlighted as a countermeasure to feelings of powerlessness and overwhelm, thus serving as a beacon of hope in navigating the manifold challenges of the times.

Journal reference:

  • Lombardo, C., Guo, L., Solomon, S. et al. (2023). Inequalities and mental health during the Coronavirus pandemic in the UK: a mixed-methods exploration. BMC Public Health. doi:10.1186/s12889-023-16523-9 




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