Measles campaign features children suffering from measles in the UK
A multimedia campaign featuring the voices of children will remind parents in the UK of the serious risks of diseases such as measles if they fail to vaccinate.
Health officials said they wanted to target busy parents with a “stop scrolling” message.
Measles cases have been increasing since late last year, with clusters occurring in many areas, including London.
It comes as uptake of the childhood jab has fallen steadily since the pandemic.
Measles is the most contagious infectious disease known to humanity and is most likely to spread rapidly if vaccination rates decline.
It usually clears up within 10 days, but nasty complications such as blindness, seizures, and meningitis can occur. In some cases, you may even lose your life.
A campaign launched by the UK Health and Safety Agency (UKHSA) on Monday will remind parents that their children have had two doses of the MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps and rubella, and that they are well. We are calling on you to check. Date all the other jabs.
In a video scheduled to be aired on TV, radio and online, children tell parents and caregivers: “If we don't get vaccinated, we're not protected.”
The campaign is supported by trusted community leaders who engage with particularly concerned inner-city parents, and information leaflets in a variety of languages are available.
The MMR vaccine is highly effective at preventing measles, but only 85% of children starting primary school in the UK have received both doses, significantly short of the 95% target needed to stop the spread. is below.
Uptake of other vaccines such as whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, meningitis and diphtheria has also fallen, meaning herd immunity levels are no longer high enough to prevent outbreaks. UKHSA said.
Professor Dame Jenny Harries, director of UKHSA, said: 'While large parts of the country are protected, large numbers of children in some areas remain unprotected from preventable diseases. ” he said.
“It's not just your own health that's at risk, but those around you who haven't been vaccinated, such as school friends, family members, and community members, who haven't been vaccinated, can also get seriously infected.”
Dane Jenny warned that unless uptake rates improve, vaccine-preventable diseases could start to return and cause more severe illness.
Childhood vaccinations have similarly declined in many other countries. The World Health Organization recently warned that measles is a growing threat.
Incident Room: Measles Outbreak: Why Now?
Are medical experts investigating why the virus has returned and what can be done to get rid of it?
UK health authorities have already contacted more than 4 million parents. Be sure to tell caregivers and young people that you or your child has missed one or two doses of MMR injections. Currently, anyone under the age of 25 can undergo this procedure by contacting their GP.
There have been 650 confirmed measles cases in the UK since early October, almost double the total for all of 2023.
In the four weeks starting January 29, 183 cases occurred, of which 69 were reported. In the last week, The latest numbers show.
The West Midlands accounted for 43 per cent of infections last month, with most of those in Birmingham, but health authorities said the number of cases in the region now appeared to be stabilizing. There is.
Measles affected other parts of England in February.
- 19% of cases occurred in the North West
- 14% have been to London
- 10% had been in the East Midlands
- 8% have been to Yorkshire and the Humber
Many of those infected were children and young people.
What is measles? What are the symptoms?
Measles is caused by a virus that is spread by coughing and sneezing.
Common symptoms include:
- high fever
- My eyes hurt, red and watery
- coughing
- sneeze
Small white spots may appear in the mouth.
A patchy red or brown rash usually appears on the face and behind the ears after a few days, then spreads to other parts of the body. It may be difficult to see on brown or black skin.
If you are not vaccinated, you can be infected at any age.
The measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine is given in two doses. The first time was when she was around 1 year old, and the second time was around 3 years and 4 months old.
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