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Man infected with polio dies after spending 70 years in iron lung

Man infected with polio dies after spending 70 years in iron lung


Man infected with polio dies after spending 70 years in iron lung

Paul Alexander had been paralyzed from the neck down since 1952 due to polio.

Paul Alexander, a man who spent 70 years in an iron lung, has died at the age of 78. He contracted polio at the age of six and was forced to live in a 600-pound metal structure. Alexander, widely known as “Polio Paul,” has been suffering from the disease since 1952, which has left him paralyzed from the neck down and unable to breathe on his own. He developed symptoms and was rushed to a hospital in Texas, where he woke up in a mechanical lung.

his death was announced on his day GoFundMe page Tuesday (March 12). “After surviving polio as a child, he lived for more than 70 years in an iron lung. During that time, Paul attended college, became a lawyer, and became a published author. His story… It traveled far and wide and had a positive impact on people all over the world.'' Paul was a great role model who will always be remembered,'' Christopher Ulmer, who founded the page, said in an update.

A message from his younger brother, Philip, said: “Thank you so much to everyone who donated to my brother's fundraising efforts. Thanks to you, my brother was able to spend his final years without stress.''

Since his birth in 1946, Mr. Alexander has faced many challenges. He endured the worst polio epidemic in U.S. history, infecting approximately 58,000 people, most of them children.

The disease affected Alexander so severely that he required the use of a machine to help him breathe, the New York Post reported.

Polion, or poliomyelitis, is a disabling and life-threatening disease caused by the poliovirus. The virus can spread from person to person, infecting the spinal cord and causing paralysis. This weakened Mr. Alexander to the point where he had trouble breathing.

He underwent an emergency tracheotomy and was placed in an iron lung to help his body fight the deadly disease. Since then, he has relied on his neck-to-toe machines to survive.

The iron lung employs a technique called “frog breathing,” which uses throat muscles to force air into the vocal cords, allowing patients to swallow oxygen one gulp at a time, forcing it through the throat and into the lungs.




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