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China uses Hong Kong security law for US and UK based activists | World news


Hong Kong police have issued arrest warrants for six democracy activists living in exile, the city’s first to use new laws aimed at activists living outside Hong Kong.

This includes American citizens living in the United States, Samuel Chu, eminent activist Nathan Law, who recently moved to England after leaving Hong Kong, and former British consulate employee Simon Cheng, who, after his claim, went into exile in England. Tortured in China.

China’s state-run media reported that six people want stimulus to withdraw and complicity with foreign troops.

The move is a month after China introduced controversial national security laws to Hong Kong. China said the legislation aims to withdraw, overthrow, terror and conspiracy crimes against foreign troops and face life-like penalties in prison.

Is China pushing Hong Kong further with new security laws? Video descriptor

Critics warned that it would be used to target legitimate opposition parties and highlighted the unusual decision to apply the law to both Hong Kong residents and non-residents. It clearly gives jurisdiction across China’s borders.

Nathan Law. Photo: Kin Cheung / AP

To promote Hong Kong’s freedom and democracy, Mr. Chu, who runs the Hong Kong Democracy Committee, an advocacy group based in Washington, DC, is the first person to target this aspect of the law.

He said China is sending clear messages to other activists by ordering arrest.

I told the additional guardians. I am essentially the first non-Chinese citizen to be a target. I think they are trying to model this.

Several countries with Hong Kong, including the United Kingdom, Australia and Germany, have since halted the India Treaty with India to protect themselves from attempts to gather foreign activists using their security laws. The United States ended special economic status in Hong Kong in early July.

Mr. Chu, who has lived in the United States as a US citizen since 1996, said there is a fee in China for US citizens who lobbyed the Chinese government.

We have always known that there is a very problematic, illogical and irrational idea of ​​claiming jurisdiction over people who do what they think, even if they are not residents of Hong Kong, when national security laws are enforced. He threatened.

Samuel chou (@samuchou)

The Hong Kong police are aiming for American citizens to lobby my citizens. It may be the first citizen who is not Chinese, but it is not the last. If it’s my goal, any American / national representing Hong Kong can do it.

We are all Hong Kong. Tweet

July 31, 2020

Other activists were Ray Wong, Wayne Chan and Honcques Laus.

Wong, now in the UK, accused Reuters of the Chinese government’s fear of advocating for Hong Kong activists internationally.

If you think you want to end your relationship with people in Hong Kong, Wong said you will have the fear that by contacting us, you may violate national safety laws.

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