Here's what facial distortion looks like for someone with myopic metamorphopia.
Imagine a person's face. Now imagine that whenever you see that face, it may appear distorted. That's what life is like for someone with myopic metamorphopia (PMO). Now, thanks to new research, we can see through the eyes of people with this rare disease.
Based on feedback from a 58-year-old man who had been undergoing PMO for nearly three years, Dartmouth College researchers altered photos of his face to mimic the “demonic” distortions the man experienced. .This is believed to be the first time the image has been made public. created They were able to very closely recreate what patients with the condition see, psychologist Antonio Mello and colleagues report in the journal March 23. lancet.
“I hope this has a big impact on how people think about PMOs, especially how demanding PMOs are,” Melo says. For example, this patient hated going to the store because the other shoppers looked like “an army of demons,” he says.
PMO is poorly understood, with fewer than 100 cases cited since 1904. Patients report a variety of facial distortions. The patients in this study have deep facial grooves and extremely elongated features, while others have distortions in which features shift in position or change in size. there is.
As such, this visualization is patient-specific and may not apply to everyone with PMO, says Jason Burton, a neurologist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Although he has worked with researchers before, he was not involved in this study. Still, he said, “I think it's helpful to understand what kind of distortions people see.”
This case had several unusual aspects that allowed the researchers to accurately depict this patient's distortion. First, patients only perceive them as faces they see directly, not as faces on a screen or paper. Most people with PMOs don't make that distinction. This patient's distortion is also always present, rather than only occasionally as in most other patients.
By lining up a person with a photo of that person in the same environment, patients were able to compare a distorted face (a person in the room) with the same undistorted face (a photo on a computer screen). . He explained the difference to the researchers, who edited the images in a computer program until the patients confirmed that the altered images matched their real faces.
Melo hopes visualization will educate clinicians about this underdiagnosed disease.Since his team started their website A few years ago, they heard from more than 70 people who had experienced symptoms of PMO, many of whom had been misdiagnosed. Burton points out that it is often interpreted as a psychiatric problem, such as schizophrenia, rather than a neurological problem.
If properly diagnosed, a neurologist may be able to treat the symptoms that are causing your PMO, such as seizures or stroke. Still, the exact mechanisms behind the distortion are unknown, and it can also affect people without obvious underlying conditions.A deeper understanding of the mechanisms could not only help those working on PMOs, but also deepen our understanding of PMOs, Melo says. General mechanism of face processing (SN: 1/5/17).
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