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Jen didn't fit the heart attack profile – then she had three heart attacks | Health

Jen didn't fit the heart attack profile – then she had three heart attacks | Health


Jen O'Neill was only 36 years old and was not considered a priority patient in the emergency department because of a suspected heart attack.

O'Neill, who gave birth 11 months ago, had no traditional warning signs of a heart attack, such as a family history, high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol levels, but her troponin levels confirmed the problem was in her heart. It was done.

When she finally underwent a scan, she was diagnosed with spontaneous coronary artery dissection, which occurs when there is a tear in the artery that supplies blood to the heart. More than 9 out of 10 Scad cases are female; Often immediately after the baby is born.

But there was no research into the optimal course of medication for this condition, so O'Neill was given the same course of blood thinners and beta-blockers used for traditional heart attack patients.

The blood thinners made my periods very heavy and I felt extremely tired. They were also intended to prevent further heart attacks. However, O'Neill continued to suffer two more times.

“We don't have something like a golden standard treatment for Scad…It's my understanding that much of the research is based on men, because they are the traditional heart attack patients.” said Professor O'Neill.

Now, a new national research center will be dedicated to improving knowledge gaps about how sex and gender influence the risk, detection and treatment of many health conditions, and translating that research into policy and practice. I will do it.

Center for Sex and Gender Equity in Health and Medicine to be launched at American University on Wednesday New South Walesan initiative of the George Institute for Global Health, the Australian Institute for Human Rights at the University of New South Wales, and Deakin University, with support from the Victorian Department of Health and the Australian Association of Medical Research Institutions.

Professor Robin Norton, founding director of the George Institute, said: 'Our knowledge of health is overwhelmingly based on research done using male cells, male animals and male humans as standard in the laboratory. “This has to change,” he said.

Ms Norton said Australia was “really far behind countries such as Canada, the US, Japan, South Korea and many European countries that have established centers focused on trying to understand the role of sex and gender in health equity. She said she and her colleagues were aware that

The evidence base supporting healthcare was one of five areas identified to explain gender bias in healthcare. Reports released this month By the National Women's Health Advisory Committee, Founded at the end of 2022 to combat medical misogyny It was chaired by Ged Carney, Permanent Secretary at the Department of Health.

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Through research and advocacy, the new center aims to improve health outcomes for women, intersex people, transgender and gender diverse people, and in some cases, linked to poor health outcomes, evidence gaps, and inefficient health spending for men. Addressing gender bias in healthcare.

For example, data on osteoporosis, which is considered primarily a disease of older women, shows that men are rarely treated for the disease and have higher mortality rates from complications than women.

“Frankly, we're excited about the opportunity this center has to really work on improving health outcomes and health equity for all Australians,” Mr Norton said.

The center has two hubs, one based at UNSW and the other at Deakin. Researchers from both universities will work on research that addresses health inequities, but the center will also serve as a resource for outside organizations and individuals across the country.

Norton said the center will also focus on translating research findings into policy and practice through collaboration with governments, health care providers and the business community.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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