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The 'oat-en-pick' craze: Should you try oat drinks for weight loss? Experts weigh in.

The 'oat-en-pick' craze: Should you try oat drinks for weight loss? Experts weigh in.


A new weight loss trend is coming on social media —This time, it's in the form of a drink called “Oat Empic.” The name is a reference to oats, one of the drink's ingredients, and OzempicA diabetes treatment drug. popular for weight loss — even if no prescription drugs are involved.

Some TikTok users claim this drink, made with oats, water, and lime juice, can help you lose up to 40 pounds in just two months. But experts say they should be wary of any trend that promises a rapid cleanup of the pound.

Lisa Valente, registered dietitian and nutrition editor. health linecalls this trend “clever marketing for something with no merit behind it.”

“Blended oat drinks are not the same as prescription drugs, and they seem like a dangerous trend that promotes poor eating habits, and they lack nutritional and scientific basis,” she told CBS News. told.

Maggie Evans, Registered Dietitian and Care Specialist with Virtual Cardiometabolic Care Platform 9am healthcalls this trend “extreme measures.”

“As we have seen, that master cleansewater fasting, or other extreme diets, these (trends) may produce short-term weight loss results, but they are not the healthiest or most sustainable way to achieve that weight loss,” she says. says.

TikTok does not block this term and hashtag (a step it appears to have taken for other body image-related issues) Trends like “leggings leg”) But when I search for “oatzempic” in the app, a banner saying “You're above your weight” appears with links to resources.

Rapid weight loss problem

“Significant restriction of calories allows for rapid weight loss. This drink is very low in calories, so when used in place of meals, it can lead to rapid weight loss,” Valente explains. Masu. “However, it is not a safe way to lose weight and is not recommended.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says people who take this approach: Gradual, steady weight loss People who lose weight quickly are more likely to keep it off than people who lose weight quickly.

“If you stop following an autozenpic diet, you're likely to gain back the weight you lost and can get stuck in a cycle of yo-yo dieting,” says Avantika Waring, endocrinologist and chief medical officer at 9amHealth. says the doctor. “Medically, we know that repeated weight loss and weight loss can actually make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight.”

Waring says rapid weight loss can have the following consequences:

  • loss of lean muscle tissue
  • hair removal
  • Effects on the body's ability to regulate temperature
  • irritation

“Lack of energy in the body can also lead to constipation, dehydration, dizziness, and irregular menstrual periods,” she says.

But aren't oats good for your health?

Yes, experts say oats are a heart-healthy whole grain that can be consumed as part of a balanced diet. High fiber content It also helps you feel satisfied for longer and feels full. However, they are not a “magic solution” for weight loss.

“Although there is no data to suggest it is effective for weight loss, drinking a blended oat drink for breakfast can be as healthy as eating an oatmeal bowl topped with no added sugar or just fresh fruit.” It's possible, and it tastes better!'' Waring says.

Additionally, experts point out that autozempic drinks lack important nutrients such as protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

“There are other ways to lose weight that are safer and healthier, by making small changes to your diet, rather than eliminating entire foods or food groups,” Valente says.

Social media weight loss “hacks”

In general, social media can spread false and misleading information. Experts say misinformation about weight loss has increased over the past year, especially related to interest in drugs like Ozempic.

“Everything from “Nature’s Ozempic” — also known as berberine“It's an ineffective and potentially dangerous supplement, with exaggerated and fear-inducing side effects like 'Ozempic face' and 'Ozempic butt,'” says Plushcare co-founder and chief medical officer. A certain Dr. James Wantuck said, He previously told CBS News.

Nutrition is also a sensitive topic, Valente adds, so it's difficult to explain in a short 10-second clip online.

“If you have questions about what to eat, it's always best to consult a medical professional rather than consulting social media,” she says.




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