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Research shows most people recover from long-term symptoms of coronavirus infection



But research is needed to understand what can be done for the one in three people whose symptoms persist after two years.

blood test tube
Long-lasting coronavirus biomarkers present in people at 8 months were mostly resolved by 24 months in 62% of study participants.

In a population infected with coronavirus during Australia's first wave of 2020, most signs of long-term coronavirus infection had disappeared by two years, new research from the Kirby Institute has found. found.

was announced on nature communicationsthe study investigated immune responses and health-related quality of life measures in people with “mild to moderate” COVID-19 infections.

Results showed that long-standing coronavirus biomarkers present in patients as young as 8 months of age were largely resolved by 24 months in nearly two out of three (62%) study participants. Ta.

paper forms part of ADAPT researchan ongoing observational study that combines self-reported health information with detailed laboratory analysis of blood to regularly collect details of people's symptoms after infection with SARS-CoV-2.

The ADAPT study tracked people infected with COVID-19 during Australia's first wave, as well as a matched control group for up to two years. Demo to be held in early 2022 The long-lasting symptoms of the new coronavirus are consistent with biomarkers that indicate a “persistent inflammatory response'' eight months after infection, confirming the difference between the long-lasting new coronavirus and other infections. .

The latest study found that while there was a “significant difference” between the two groups at eight months, there was no “observable difference” between the long-term COVID-19 infection group and the control group after 24 months. I couldn't see it. Trends in the test data were also seen in self-reported responses, with 62% reporting improved health-related quality of life.

Dr. Chansavas Petsofan, lead author and senior lecturer at the Kirby Institute, welcomed the latest ADAPT results.

“After almost a year and a half, we are pleased to see significant improvements in blood markers among this same group,” he said.

“In the majority of samples we analyzed in our lab, the biomarkers that previously indicated abnormalities in immune function were resolved.”

The authors said the findings provide “optimistic insight” that long-standing coronavirus abnormalities can be resolved over time and are important as “we continue to define the natural history of this emerging condition.” It states that there is.

This study is one of many ongoing. Various long-term effects of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), how is it diagnosedand how you are treated.

However, while the ADAPT findings are encouraging, the authors note that these findings are based on just one cohort of people who experienced the initial strain of COVID-19.

“Immunology is a complex science, and we cannot be sure that results from unvaccinated clinical cohorts apply to vaccinated people or to people who may have been infected with another type of COVID-19. It's impossible to say,” Kirby said. Professor Anthony Kelleher, a co-author from the institute, said:

“What we do know is that in most people who have had COVID-19 for a long time, both symptoms and biomarkers have improved significantly over time, which gives us some reason to be optimistic. That means it is the cause.

“Importantly, we will continue our research to better understand why some people don't improve and what can be done for them.”

Considering that 38% of study participants did not recover to full health two years after SARS-CoV-2 infection, further research is needed into the pathogenesis and prognosis of long-term COVID-19 infection. The authors say that there is.

They suggest a range of potential underlying causes in this cohort, all of which are “driven by immunological abnormalities, some of which occur when the immunological environment returns to near normal.” This does not mean that it is likely to persist even if

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ADAPT research COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) immune response long coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 infection

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