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Junk food typical of Western diets can cause long-term memory problems

Junk food typical of Western diets can cause long-term memory problems


There are potato chips and hamburgers on the table, and a bottle of seasonings next to them. Share on Pinterest
A new study links the typical Western diet to persistent memory problems.Cavan Images/Getty Images
  • A new study in rats has found that high-sugar, high-fat diets, such as junk food and Western diets, can cause long-term memory loss.
  • These foods are thought to disrupt the function of the hippocampus, an area important for memory in humans and rats.
  • The most worrying finding may be that this memory damage remained even after the rats were switched to a healthy diet.

The human brain becomes particularly vulnerable during childhood and adolescence. develop towards adulthood.

A new study in rats by researchers at USC Dornsrife in California finds that the brain at this stage is particularly susceptible to damage caused by high-fat, high-sugar junk food or the typical Western diet. did.

The authors of this study investigated the effects of such foods on neurotransmitter levels. acetylcholine (ACh), which is important for memory, including learning, arousal, and attention. Decreased ACh levels are associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease In humans.

In this study, young and adolescent rats were fed a variety of diets. These include high-fat, high-sugar meals, potato chips, peanut butter cup and high fructose corn syrup depending on your preference. They also had free access to water.

Rats in the control group received only standard food and water.

Once they reached young adulthood, the rats were given a memory test. Each rat introduced to a new location encountered a new object. After a few days, the rat was reintroduced to these areas and he added one new object. The control group showed curiosity about the object, but the group did not seem to notice any changes.

Even after they switched to a healthier diet as adults, the group's memory problems persisted, suggesting the possibility of long-term brain damage.

The researchers observed impairments in ACh signaling in the group's hippocampus, a region closely associated with memory and learning in both rats and humans.

This study brain, behavior, immunity.

It was in the hippocampus that the authors of the new study observed disruption of ACh signaling. The senior researcher of this study is Dr. Scott Kanosky, M.S.a professor of biological sciences at USC Dornsrife, explained to Medical News Today:

“The hippocampus is a brain region that is particularly susceptible to a variety of environmental and biological insults. This is especially true during boyhood and adolescence, when this brain region is still developing.”

“Our dietary model produced acetylcholine disruption in the rat hippocampus, similar to that observed in Alzheimer's disease. However, dietary and metabolic factors during early life may contribute to Alzheimer's disease and other related dementias. Further research is needed to understand how this affects long-term risks,” Kanosky continued.

Dr. Amy Reichelt, Bachelor of Arts in PsychologyAlthough he was not involved in this research, he has extensively researched the effects of food on the developing brain.

“It would have been interesting if the authors had also studied the effects of diet on acetylcholine signaling in the prefrontal cortex of adult and adolescent rats,” Reichelt said.

“This region of the brain is rich in ACh receptors and is also the last part of the brain to mature, so the changes may have been specific to young animals,” she added.

Mr. Reichert reported:Research using rodents the prefrontal cortex [i]They are susceptible to the negative effects of an unbalanced diet high in fat and sugar. This is an important area of ​​the brain for executive control functions such as decision making and impulse control. ”

“Especially when exposed to unhealthy eating habits. more negative effects On animal cognition during adolescence. ”
— Dr. Amy Reichert

Reichert said humans are among those animals, adding:completely new research carried out in chic kids We also show that the brains of children and adolescents with higher BMI have different neuronal activity signatures associated with reduced inhibition in the frontal cortex. Cell profile similar to rats fed a Western diet

The study Reichert mentioned has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal and is a preprint.

“In humans, longitudinal studies have shown that dietary and metabolic factors during midlife (e.g., high-fat diet, obesity) can increase the risk of developing dementia later in life. However, “Potential links to early childhood development are poorly understood,” Kanosky said.

Memory issues may not be permanent. Further investigation is required. Still, Professor Kanosky pointed out that even after switching to a healthy adult diet, the rats' memory did not improve.

“It is certainly possible that these systems could have returned to normal if a healthy diet had been maintained over a long period of time. Future research will be needed to understand the parameters for reversing these long-term deficits. “is necessary,” he said.

Two drugs improve memory

In another phase of the study, researchers found that administering two drugs, PNU-282987 and carbachol, directly into the hippocampus restored memory in rats.

Additionally, studies have reported undesirables. intestinal microbiota Changes caused by a Western or junk diet can be reversed by a healthy diet. This can also affect memory.

“Incorporating microbiome analysis in young animals is interesting because we know that the microbiome communicates with the brain through the secretion of neuroactive chemicals,” Reichelt said.

Reichert explained the potentially dangerous nature of Western diets, which are ultra-processed and rich in fat and sugar.

“Studies have shown that high-sugar aspects are particularly detrimental to memory function, causing a reduction in hippocampal neurogenesis, the development of new neurons in the critical region of the brain needed to form memories. ,” Reichelt said.

As an example, Reichert suggested:

“Especially when you consume sugary drinks like Coca-Cola, the sugar is rapidly absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream, causing a spike in blood sugar levels. This involves the need for insulin to get glucose into cells. Consuming too many sugary drinks can eventually lead to the following symptoms: Insulin becomes less effectiveIt leads to metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. ”

Michelle Ruthenstein, MS, RD, CDCESa preventive cardiology nutritionist at, who was not involved in the study, also noted: high in saturated fatrefined sugar and processed carbohydrates It is thought to be associated with long-term cognitive decline. ”

“these [junk] Eating too much food can promote inflammation, oxidative stress, plaque in the arteries, and elevated blood sugar levels, impairing blood vessel health and causing long-term cognitive impairment, including vascular dementia. ”
— Michelle Ruthenstein, MS, RD, CDCES

For Reichert, the ideal memory food is clear. “Eggs! Eggs (especially egg yolks) are a good source of choline, the building block of acetylcholine.”

In addition to eggs, Dr. Rosenstein says, “Foods that may help promote healthy acetylcholine signaling include choline-rich foods such as fish, especially omega-3-rich foods found in seafood. It suggested that it includes foods such as salmon, sardinearctic char – nuts, cruciferous vegetables, etc. broccoli, cabbage,Brussels sprouts. ”




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