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Alberta's COVID-19 committee considers pediatric vaccinations

Alberta's COVID-19 committee considers pediatric vaccinations
Alberta's COVID-19 committee considers pediatric vaccinations


The United Conservative Party has announced it has convened a panel of medical experts for a town hall meeting next month to discuss the safety of coronavirus vaccines for children.

The gathering, called “Infusion of Truth,” is scheduled to be held on June 17 at Calgary's Southside Victory Church.

According to the UCP website, the conference claimed there has been a 350 per cent increase in the number of children dying in Alberta since 2021. New coronavirus infection vaccination.

No data source, age range, date range, or cause of death was provided.

“Did your child die or be injured by a COVID-19 shot? Do you have a story to tell? You deserve to be heard,” the statement about City Hall reads.

The meeting, hosted by Calgary Lougheed MLA Eric Bouchard, is billed as discussing “current scientific data and victim statements” about the “adverse effects of COVID-19 mRNA injections” on children.

According to the UCP, current participants at the conference include Calgary pediatrician Dr. Eric Payne, Edmonton ER physician Dr. William Makis, Dr. David Speicher, Dr. Craig Shoemaker, Dr. Jessica Rose, and Briam W. – Believed to be Dr. Bridle and Dr. David. Wise man.

Payne was among a group of four Alberta doctors who filed a lawsuit against Alberta Health Services in 2021. forced order Mr. Makis has actively spoken out against COVID-19 vaccinations and made it mandatory for doctors to vaccinate against COVID-19. He was disciplined at a court hearing in 2018. By the Association of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta.

“As a result of the hearing, the court has been and continues to be concerned about both Dr. Makis' fitness to practice and the resulting public safety,” the hearing said.

Meanwhile, Shoemaker has his own License suspension In January 2023, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) filed charges of professional misconduct.

CPSO said: “[Cobbler]committed acts or omissions in connection with medical practice that, having regard to all the circumstances, would be considered disgraceful, dishonorable or unprofessional by members.”

A family arrives for an appointment at a COVID-19 vaccination clinic in Regina on Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2021. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Michael Bell

Rose recently withdrew one of his 2021 vaccinations after the UCP claimed he testified before Congress about plasma DNA from COVID-19 shots. National Library of Medicine Publications They are speaking out against the vaccine-related adverse event of myocarditis. CDC's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Systemcalling it “poorly designed and poorly implemented.”

Bridle, an Ontario veterinarian, sued the University of Guelph, numerous faculty members and other individuals in 2022, alleging unfair treatment over his views on animals. COVID-19 vaccine.

The lawsuit sought $3 million in damages, including loss of income, equipment and materials, damages to his career and “emotional distress.”

In another courtroom, Bridle was called to provide expert testimony for an Ontario mother who is in a dispute with her husband over whether their 11-year-old child will become seriously ill. Vaccination against the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

The father's expert witness was Dr. Abdu Sharkawi, an infectious disease expert at the University of Toronto.

Judge Searagh O'Connell ruled in favor of the child's father in the case, giving him “sole authority to make decisions regarding all future vaccinations to be administered to the child.”

A vial of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine sits on a table at a vaccination station next to Jackson State University on Tuesday, July 19, 2022, in Jackson, Michigan. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis, File, File)

“Some successful city halls”

Bouchard said in a statement to CTV News on Monday that the meeting will be hosted by his constituency association.

“We have had several successful city council meetings on issues that voters care about, and each one was incredibly well-attended and well-received,” he said. “We always welcome diverse perspectives and open dialogue because it is important for people to listen to different ideas and perspectives, even if they disagree.”

He added that his business had been “adversely impacted by mandates, lockdowns and restrictions” during the pandemic.

“I believe we should advocate for a better approach to dealing with businesses in emergency situations.”

He declined further interview requests from CTV News.

CTV News has reached out to the Alberta government for comment. Prime Minister Daniel Smith issued the following statement:

“As premier, I will govern on behalf of and take direction from all Albertans. As part of the grassroots party process, party members propose and vote on policies at the party's general meeting. “,” the statement reads.

“Health Minister Adrianna Lagrange continues to work with public health experts to review international evidence and the safety and effectiveness of all vaccines. It is important to note that it is not mandatory for parents to be vaccinated, but a choice to decide what is right for their family.

“I am not involved in this event and do not plan to attend. Please contact the party with any questions regarding this event or speakers.”

On the other hand, Mr. Lagrange said:

“This is something that the Calgary Constituency Association is organizing, so we really need to go to them and talk to them about who the speakers are and why they're proposing this,” she said. Said.

“We have COVID-19 vaccines available for children, and we have had them in this state since 2022, and we encourage parents to choose what is best for their family, speak with their health care provider, and make sure they are fully informed. You have the option to make an educated decision.”

“We will always consider new evidence and more, but these vaccines are available to children and parents have a right to choose.”

(With files from CTV Calgary's Teri Fikowski and CTV Kitchener)




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