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Monsoon Foods: What to Eat and What to Avoid? | Health & Wellness News

Monsoon Foods: What to Eat and What to Avoid? | Health & Wellness News


The monsoon season is upon us, bringing with it the perfect opportunity to indulge in hot, spicy and heart-warming food, but with caution as water- and air-borne diseases are more likely to spread.

Your metabolism will slow down and your energy levels will drop, increasing your susceptibility to infections. Your energy needs will also increase, Excessive food intake and cravingsHere are some recommendations to help you get through the season without getting sick.

What should you eat?

Your diet should be rich in Vitamin C, antioxidants and soluble fibre. Consume all fresh foods like rice, dal, chapatis, vegetables etc. Food should preferably be consumed within an hour of cooking.

1) Whole Vegetables: Choose whole, peeled vegetables. Eat vegetables that are rich in fiber like bottle gourd, bitter melon, ash, gourd, kidney beans, yams, yellow gourd, carrots, green peas, broccoli, beans, etc. Other vegetable options include cucumber, tomato, beans, okra, radish, etc. These are alkaline and therefore boost the immunity.

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2) Soup: Warm, nourishing soups like chicken, vegetable or lentil soups are perfect for the rainy season. They are easy to digest and help maintain fluid balance. Sambar or rasam not only keep you warm but also boost your immunity and help fight infections.

3) Herbal Teas: Keep yourself warm and hydrated by drinking herbal teas like ginger, tulsi (holy basil) and peppermint. These teas also have medicinal properties that can ward off common monsoon-related illnesses.

4) Fruits: Eat fruits that are in season, rich in antioxidants and vitamins, but make sure they are washed and freshly cut. Avoid cut fruits and juices from street stalls to prevent contamination. Also, do not leave cut fruits in the refrigerator, as bacteria can grow at low temperatures.

Pomegranate prevents cold and flu. It is rich in antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory properties and also controls blood pressure. Plums are considered one of the best monsoon fruits that can control diarrhea as they are rich in nutrients like vitamins, iron, magnesium, fiber and calcium.

Raisins, honey, and dates provide energy and fructose from the dried fruits, which also make you feel full.

5) Eat millet: Bajra is a good choice as it requires cool weather for digestion.

6) Protein: Ensure that you get enough protein in your diet from pulses, pasteurized or boiled milk, well-cooked eggs etc. These are essential for staying healthy and strengthening your immune system.

7) Spices: Turmeric, cinnamon, cloves and black pepper have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help prevent illness.

8) Probiotics: Foods like yogurt and buttermilk are great for maintaining healthy gut flora, which is essential for a strong immune system and aiding digestion.

What foods should I avoid?

1) Street Food: Do not eat street food, especially pani puri, bhel puri and other chaat dishes. These foods are dangerous as they may be exposed to unhygienic conditions and polluted water. If you insist on eating them, choose freshly cooked food and avoid raw foods.

2) Undercooked meat, fish and eggs: Avoid eating undercooked meat, seafood and eggs as they may contain harmful bacteria.

3) Avoid salads unless they are well steamed.

Above all, stay hydrated: bring a water bottle with you or opt for bottled water while traveling. You can also incorporate homemade lemon juice, buttermilk, and coconut water into your diet.

(Jatana is a consultant at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals)




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