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New study finds bacteria in some tattoo and permanent makeup ink products

New study finds bacteria in some tattoo and permanent makeup ink products
New study finds bacteria in some tattoo and permanent makeup ink products


ATLANTA, Ga. (Atlanta News First) – New research may make you think twice before getting a tattoo.

of study A study conducted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's National Center for Toxicological Research has found that some inks used in tattoos and permanent makeup may be contaminated with bacteria.

Permanent makeup in particular has become increasingly popular in recent years, with trends such as eyebrow microblading, for example.

Mira Rosen She is a permanent makeup artist and instructor and founder of the Micropigmentation Institute in Atlanta.

“Proper education is so important for artists,” she told Atlanta News First.

She is pleased to hear of studies on the safety of ink products.

“We are beginning to see changes in the industry, and as a professional I am very happy that the government is taking the industry seriously, because it has become more popular recently,” she explains. “The new regulations will weed out some of the so-called 'artists' who do not meet the standards.”

The National Center for Toxicological Research collected samples of tattoo and permanent makeup inks purchased from 14 different manufacturers.

Of the 49 tattoo ink samples they examined, nine were found to have bacterial growth, and of the 35 permanent cosmetic ink samples tested, 17 were found to be contaminated.

This was also the case for brands that claim to be “sterile.”

“Our findings reveal that unopened and sealed tattoo inks may harbor anaerobic bacteria, along with aerobic bacteria, which are known to thrive in low-oxygen environments such as the dermis layer of the skin,” they said. Dr. Kim Seong-jae A microbiologist at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

“These findings suggest that actual disinfection processes may not be effective at eliminating all microorganisms or that label claims may not be accurate.”

Although the names of the manufacturers were not made public, the investigation noted that most of the permanent makeup ink comes from China and France.

Rosen said she only uses U.S.-made brands and pays close attention to expiration dates.

She encourages people to do plenty of research before doing anything permanent.

“You might see a beautiful website or social media or Instagram photo somewhere,” she says, “but make sure you spend the time to interview that potential artist.”

“If the artists aren't accredited, that's a red flag,” Rosen continues. “If the place isn't clean or doesn't meet regulatory standards, run.”

It is unclear whether the FDA will take action against companies found to be producing infectious products.

The most common bacteria found in the ink samples was Propionibacterium acnes, which can cause acne and more serious implant-related infections, according to the study.

Other bacteria detected were Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus saprophyticus, which have been linked to urinary tract infections.




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