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Travel may help prevent premature aging, according to new study

Travel may help prevent premature aging, according to new study


Recent studies have shown that travel not only broadens your horizons, but it may also slow down the aging process. New research suggests that travel has health benefits.

According to a study published on September 5th: Science Daily A research team led by Fanli Hu of Edith Cowan University in Jundalup, Australia, found that leisurely travel activities may reduce chronic stress, curb overactivation of the immune system and promote the normal functioning of the body's self-defense mechanisms.

Ms. Fanli Hu
A photo of Fanli Hu's face.

Photo provided by Fanli Hu

Newsweek Explaining the findings, Hu said: “This fundamental process in the course of life is irreversible, but it can be mitigated by various measures, and tourism could be one of them.”

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Hu explained that the study applies the principle of entropy, which measures increasing disorder or chaos in the body's systems, offering a new perspective compared to the traditional view of ageing, which focuses on biological wear and tear.

She said: “This study distinguishes itself from traditional views of ageing by applying the principles of increasing entropy to understand how tourism affects health, which often focuses on the inevitability of ageing and the challenges of staying healthy. In contrast, this study integrates entropy and views ageing as an increase in disorders within the body. Tourism may help manage and even combat entropy by providing new experiences, facilitating social interaction and encouraging physical activity, potentially mitigating some aspects of the ageing process.”

Hu explained that combining a healthy lifestyle with travel can boost both physical and mental wellbeing: Experiencing new environments and immersing yourself in landscapes such as forests and beaches can significantly reduce stress levels.

She adds: “Traveling encourages physical activities such as walking, hiking and cycling, which improve cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength and overall health. It also promotes social interaction with locals and fellow travelers, which can improve mood, reduce loneliness and enhance cognitive function.”

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Research suggests that travel promotes healthy eating through fresh, local ingredients, while wellness centers and outdoor spaces support physical and mental health.

Lulu Townshead
Town's Head at the open-air museum Il Giardino dei Tarocchi in Grosseto, Italy.

Lulu Townshead

The study resonated with Lulu Townshead, a 54-year-old frequent traveller from Suffolk, England. A mother of two, she travels six to eight times a year, visiting 40 countries including Australia, Brazil, Italy and Jamaica.

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“For me, traveling to a new place is like being a kid in a candy store – there's so much excitement and options, I don't know where to start,” she said. Newsweek“When you travel, your eyes are wide open. There are no limits to what you can absorb and take in. The sense of freedom and the joy it brings is incredible and it makes you feel very alive and youthful.”

But Townshead acknowledges that lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on her health: “I was overweight, miserable and looked and felt old (I dread to think how old my biological age was). [I was] “You can't even travel during lockdown!,” she said. “Traveling helps me stay in shape and when I'm out and about I walk a lot, which makes me feel good both mentally and physically.”

(LR) Townshead boats in Croatia and in his hometown of Suffolk, England.

Lulu Townshead

For Townshead, travel is not just a hobby, it's also her job. Hotel guru For over five years, she has run her own brand consulting firm, Lulu's Luxury Lifestyle, specializing in independently owned and operated boutique hotels.

“When I'm abroad, I like to live as much as possible like a local. For example, when I'm in Rome, instead of having a big breakfast, I'll go to a cafe and have a cappuccino and a croissant,” she said. Newsweek“Before going to a museum, I like to walk around the city first and learn about the city and how the locals live.”

Townshead also makes it a point to switch off in order to stay in the moment and enjoy her surroundings: “I have a rule that I turn my phone off after 7pm,” she explains. “I'm not very good at taking selfies next to monuments and landmarks, so I like to take them with the people I meet along the way.”

For Townshead, travel is not just a pastime, it's an important part of his life and work.

“I like to plan my next trip before I return home. Having a constant travel schedule is essential for my mental health,” she said. “Travel is part of my identity. It drives me, motivates me, makes me happy and keeps me young.”

Top tips for solo travellers to Townshead

According to a 2023 survey PoliticianThe main motivation for solo travel from the US, Canada, Australia and the UK was a desire to explore the world without waiting for others – nearly two-thirds of participants cited this reason, while 46 percent were motivated by a sense of freedom and independence.

Townshead shared four tips for those who are still undecided.

  • “Even if you feel scared, do it anyway.”
  • “Let's start with a short city break.”
  • “Get out of your comfort zone and experience something new.”
  • “If you are travelling with hand luggage, if you exceed the limit of one plastic bag, please take two and place them in two separate trays at security. It has never failed me!”

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