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Intermittent fasting helps burn fat and control blood sugar levels: study

Intermittent fasting helps burn fat and control blood sugar levels: study


  • Research on metabolic syndrome suggests that fasting may improve blood sugar control and lead to more fat loss.
  • There is evidence that intermittent fasting can help you eat less without cutting back on calories.
  • If you're interested in the benefits of fasting, some researchers recommend fasting for 12 hours overnight.

Eating all your meals and snacks within an 8-10 hour window each day may help you lose weight and improve blood sugar control, new research suggests.

The findings were published on September 30th. Annual report of internal medicinethere is growing evidence that intermittent fasting has promising health benefits, especially for people who want to work on their metabolic health.

intermittent fasting is a very popular diet, often promoted by celebrities, longevity influencers, and executives. The idea is that it's not just what you eat that matters, but when you eat it. Proponents limit all food intake to certain times each day. This depends on what style of fasting you follow.

A new study shows that people who fasted for three months lost more weight than those who didn't fast and ate fewer calories without even trying.

Here are the details:

Research description

A research team from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and the Salk Institute wanted to test whether fasting could help people who: metabolic syndromewe have compiled a list of risk factors for chronic diseases. Conditions include: hyperglycemia Not only will you have more body fat, but you'll also be more likely to develop heart disease and diabetes.

Researchers followed 108 adults with metabolic syndrome, on average in their 50s, for three months.

Half of the participants were randomly assigned We provide general nutrition advice on healthy eating while ensuring you follow a typical eating pattern. mediterranean diet.

The other half were given the same advice, but told to limit their eating hours to eight to 10 hours a day and track their meals with a smartphone app called myCircadianClock.

By the end of the study, both groups lost a small amount of weight. However, the participants who practiced intermittent fasting lost a little more weight, and because much of the weight they lost was fat rather than muscle, their body fat percentage decreased more.

They also have significantly improved blood sugar control and HbA1ca measurement of average blood sugar over time used to screen for diabetes and prediabetes.

Experts say fasting helps by eating less.

The science behind fasting suggests that it's effective because it allows you to eat less.

The data showed that the fasting group in the latest study ate an average of 350 fewer calories each day, even though they weren't specifically asked to cut back on calories. Most of the calorie reduction comes from reducing carbohydrate and fat intake. They consumed about the same amount of protein.

Previous evidence suggests that eat enough protein Helps maintain muscle during weight loss. This may explain why participants in this study continued to maintain muscle mass, whereas other studies have found that muscle mass can decline with some types of fasting. There is. risk of muscle loss.

To get the benefits of fasting, stop eating at night

Another potential benefit of fasting is that it allows you to take advantage of your body's natural internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm. satchidananda pandaThe fasting research pioneer and co-author of the latest study previously told Business Insider.

Panda and other experts say the easiest way to start reaping the benefits of fasting is to Stop eating 3 hours before bed.

This simple 12-hour fast can help improve your health and reduce your appetite. Possibility of junk food snackingtoo.




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