What is continuous blood glucose monitoring?
Tucson, Arizona – continuous blood glucose monitor It hit my skin so quickly that I can barely remember what it felt like. Shall I stab you? Poke? Prod?
I wasn't used to it. After all, I'm not a diabetic. So why was this “needed”?
Diabetics should regularly monitor their condition glucose to regulate them blood sugar level level at any time. People without chronic illnesses don't need to be as closely monitored, but that doesn't mean tracking your body's reactions to different foods, exercise, and emotions isn't worth monitoring. at least that's the opinion at the time canyon ranch, wellness resort Guest participation in Tucson, Arizona Special longevity program You are encouraged to observe how your blood sugar levels respond over a two-week period. If you notice certain patterns that may be negatively impacting your health, you may want to make changes to your eating habits.
In my case, it's my nutrition director, Eric Williamson. canyon ranchtold me that you can use the results of your continuous blood glucose monitor to optimize your energy levels and avoid spikes and crashes.
More and more people are talking about surveillance devices known as . CGMfor non-diabetic. But not everyone in the health field is so bullish about the prospect of CGM for everyone, wondering whether it's worth the trouble to dig too deeply.
important:Glucose, insulin, and why managing their levels is important. Here's why:
Is CGM worth it?
A CGM is a small sensor placed under the skin on your arm that sends data to your smartphone and provides insight into your blood sugar levels. I wear them for about 1-2 weeks at a time. This is a tool that diabetics may use and can also be connected to an insulin pump. It may also be costly Thousands of dollars out of pocket Year by year.
Dr. Robert SchmerlingA senior faculty editor at Harvard Health Publishing at Harvard Medical School thinks so. continuous glucose monitoring Marketing is ahead of science. If not diabetic patientFor example, he said: Does not support CGM to be effective. Canyon Ranch guarantees that all of our tests are backed by sound research. A classic case of conflict of opinion in medicine.
Schmerling is open to changes in research. But so far, in his opinion, the study only confirms that people's blood sugar levels vary and that some people have higher blood sugar levels.
People who use CGM may still find it valuable. For example, Canyon Ranch guest Otis Green found his results interesting, especially when compared to his wife's results. She is from the Caribbean and can eat starchy island staples like rice, beans, and yucca. When he eats such food, his blood sugar levels spike, but hers don't rise as much. At the same time, she has much higher cholesterol than he.
He also has prediabetes. His hemoglobin A1c was 6.3 at Canyon Ranch. Doctors at home knew about this and tried to bring the numbers down with a drug called metformin, but to no avail. After a few weeks, I paid close attention to the reading on my blood sugar monitor and my blood sugar had dropped to 6.1. His doctor said, “Keep doing what these people are telling you to do,'' and offered to write him a prescription for a new monitor (which would last two weeks). He hopes to eventually grow out of prediabetes altogether.
Note:Yes, dietary choices can contribute to diabetes risk: What foods to avoid
“I have a doctor who is okay with leaving me alone.”
These takes may be more outlandish. diet It's not perfect and I want to do better. got it. Anything is fine.'' marion nestlePaulette Goddard, Professor Emeritus of Nutrition, Food Research, and Public Health, New York University. “I know people who like these tests, and I've seen people walking around with blood sugar monitors that don't have type 1 or type 2. Fortunately, I have a doctor who is okay with leaving me alone. ”
walter longodirector of the USC Longevity Institute, believes that as interest in longevity increases, blood sugar monitoring analysis will eventually become the forefront of medicine. of longevity In 2020, the global market was valued at $25.1 billion, and that figure is expected to reach $44.2 billion by 2030. Related market research.
If you still don't want to consider getting a CGM yourself, here are some quick tips. “If you want to further stabilize your blood sugar levels, you can start with protein. So if you have a plate of food, there's a chicken breast, then a sweet potato, and then some vegetables,” Williamson says. He suggests, “Eating the chicken breast first, or most of it, and then the sweet potato will actually even out your blood sugar levels.”
The reporter for this article received access to these services from Canyon Ranch. USA TODAY maintains editorial control of content.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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