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Vaping makes teenagers up to 7 times more likely to catch COVID-19: Research


Here’s another cloud on the horizon of an e-cigarette company.

Ah New Stanford Study Describe the relationship between COVID-19 and “significantly increased risk” in teens and young adults. In a national sample of over 4,000 participants conducted in May, those who vaping were 5-7 times more likely to be infected with the novel coronavirus than those who did not vaping I understand.

Of those tested for COVID-19, those who had used e-cigarettes were five times more likely to be virus-positive than non-users. Also, those who used both e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes during the last month were 6.8 times more likely to be diagnosed with the disease.

Teenagers who smoke and vaped are also five times more likely to report coronavirus symptoms such as cough, fever, tiredness, and dyspnea, compared to teenagers who have never smoked or vaped. It was And this same group was about 2-9 times more likely to be tested for the virus than non-vapor and non-smokers, probably because they were more likely to present with symptoms.

“Young people may believe that their age does not prevent them from becoming infected with the virus or experience the symptoms of COVID-19, but the data show that this is not the case for smokers. I wrote in a statement. “This study found that young people using vape or dual use [e-cigarettes and cigarettes] High risk, not just a slight increase in risk. That is a big problem. ”

Some limitations include the fact that the survey relied on self-reporting from online surveys. It also provided no reason why vaping infected at least 20 million young people, killed 743,599 people, and was vulnerable to one of the world’s counting viruses. As of Wednesday morning..

“It’s not just a small increase in risk. It’s a big deal.”

-Research author Dr. Shivani Mathur Gaiha

Recent San Francisco University Report However, smoking, including e-cigarettes, suggests doubling the risk of young adults (ages 18 to 25) who are more ill with COVID-19. “A key finding is that smoking is the most common cause of medical vulnerability in severe COVID-19 disease in young adults,” the authors write.

And the previous research Relationship between vaping and lung and heart disease.. of Recently recommended by the American Heart Association People should “don’t smoke or smoke any substance, including cannabis products, as it can harm the heart, lungs, and blood vessels.”

Research also warned Electronic cigarettes really encourage teenagers to try traditional cigarettesHowever, products are often sold as alternatives to tobacco or as a way to quit smoking. In fact, when teenagers used e-cigarettes as their first tobacco product, they were four times more likely to smoke.

read more:Vaping can do more harm to teens than you think

The theory of why vaping is susceptible to COVID-19 involves potential damage to the lungs and immune system, a study at Stanford pointed out, or released from electronic vaping devices. Aerosols can contain COVID-contaminated droplets-19.

Besides, The researcher wrote That COVID-19 Known to spread Repeatedly touch the mouth and face through the respiratory spray. This is a common practice among cigarette and e-cigarette users. Perhaps worse, teens often share their e-cigarette pen and other e-cigarette devices with each other, which can spread the virus.

Relation:Dr. Forch recommends wearing goggles to avoid catching the coronavirus

Person in charge Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.) Sent a letter to the FDA On Tuesday, on behalf of the House Economics and Consumer Policy Subcommittee, it called for the temporary removal of vaping products from the market. He is he Warned FDA about potential link between vaping and COVID-19 in AprilHowever, the agency has cited the need for more evidence that vaping was dangerous. “The failure of that action damages Americans for four months and can’t get it back,” Krishnamoorthi writes.

“I reiterate that I called upon the FDA to clear all e-cigarette markets during the coronavirus crisis. That is the only responsible way forward,” he added.

No comments have been obtained from the FDA. COVID-19 FAQ Warning that smoking can cause lung disease, inflammation and cell damage throughout the body, so that traditional cigarette smokers may be more vulnerable to respiratory ailments including COVID-19. I am. But not to mention electronic cigarettes. At present, the FDA has warned that smoking tobacco and nicotine may expose the lungs to toxic chemicals. “It’s unclear whether these exposures increase the risk of COVID-19, or the severity of the COVID-19 consequences,” the FDA site said. True, COVID-19 is a virus we’ve never seen before, and healthcare professionals are still learning it.

Electronic cigarette $25 billion market last yearControlled by Juul, owned by Aulria Group, 35%
Jules did not immediately respond to MarketWatch’s request for a new study or Krishna Morty’s call to suspend the vaping product.

But last year, after a mysterious illness called e-cigarettes or Vaping Product Use-Associated Lung Injury (EVALI) made Americans ill, CDC reports 2,807 hospitalizations Due to vaping related illness as of late February of this year.

The surge in vaping in teens and twenties also caused concern before the pandemic. 5 million high school and junior high school students smoke electronic cigarettes FDA’s 2019 National Youth Tobacco Survey, Including 1 in 4 high school students.

In January, The Trump administration banned electronic cigarette flavors in fruits, candies, mint and desserts It is popular with teens and blocks vaping. However, menthol and tobacco flavors were allowed to remain on the market. “We need to protect our families,” Trump said at the time. “At the same time, it’s a big industry. I want to protect it.”

Here’s a look at the ongoing Coronavirus coverage of MarketWatch.


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