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World AIDS Day 2024: AIDS and HIV are often confused as the same disease. debunking myths

World AIDS Day 2024: AIDS and HIV are often confused as the same disease. debunking myths


Once considered a death sentence, now for many people, a diagnosis of HIV or AIDS is not the end.

Thanks to advances in research and treatments, people living with hiv You can now live a long and productive life.

Earth celebrates “World AIDS Day” on Sunday. The day is dedicated to raising awareness about this disease, which sufferers face extreme discrimination and has long been considered taboo.
However, AIDS and HIV are two different types of medical diagnoses. AIDS is a terminal disease, but HIV is a curable virus.

HIV and AIDS: Understanding the Difference

By complying with antiretroviral therapypeople infected with HIV can avoid progression to AIDS and can expect to live a near-normal lifespan.

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) attacks the immune system, weakening the body's ability to protect itself from infection and disease. Unlike many viruses, the immune system cannot completely eliminate HIV, but drugs can effectively control it by disrupting its life cycle. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is the final stage of HIV infection. This occurs when the virus severely damages the immune system, making the body vulnerable to opportunistic infections such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, and some cancers.

These infections are usually harmless to people with healthy immune systems, but can be fatal to people with weakened defenses.

HIV does not necessarily progress to AIDS. Many people living with HIV rely on antiretroviral treatment to maintain a healthy immune system and prevent the virus from progressing to a more severe stage. While the infection remains in the body, people with HIV can live for years without developing AIDS.

HIV is spread primarily through the exchange of bodily fluids, most commonly through unprotected sex and sharing needles. In rare cases, the virus can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy.

HIV can be asymptomatic, and many people experience only mild flu-like symptoms shortly after infection. This stage, known as acute infection, is followed by an incubation period during which the virus is under control but can still be transmitted to others. Without proper treatment, the virus can eventually progress to AIDS.

How to diagnose HIV

HIV can be diagnosed with a simple blood or saliva test that detects the antibodies your body produces in response to the virus. Early diagnosis and timely treatment are the keys to preventing the progression of AIDS.

Healthcare providers monitor the health of people living with HIV by counting CD4 cells, which play an important role in the immune system. A count of fewer than 200 CD4 cells per cubic millimeter of blood indicates stage 3 HIV (AIDS).

Although the life expectancy of people with stage 3 HIV infection can be significantly shortened, successful antiretroviral therapy has enabled many people to restore immune function and live longer, healthier lives. I did.

Additionally, modern treatments can lower the viral load to undetectable levels, reducing the risk of infecting others.

Today, people living with HIV can live full lives without fear of developing AIDS, thanks to the power of treatment and continued medical advances.




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