World AIDS Day 2024: A future built on compassion and progress

In a powerful call to action for World AIDS Day 2024 (December 1), Elton John said: “Science, medicine and technology may be the 'what' of ending AIDS, but inclusion, empathy and compassion are 'It's a method.'
This year's theme is “walk the path of rights” highlights the vital role of human rights in achieving the goal of eliminating AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.
As we commemorate progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS, we are reminded that this epidemic is far from over. But with innovation, equity, and collective action, an AIDS-free world is within reach.
This statistic is a reminder of the incredible progress that has been made. In 2023, 39.9 million people will be living with HIV worldwide, of whom 30.7 million will be receiving antiretroviral therapy. This is a staggering increase from just 7.7 million people in 2010.
The number of new HIV infections has fallen by 60% since 1995, but thanks to medical advances and global solidarity, AIDS-related deaths continue to decline.
Despite these gains, inequalities still exist. Women and girls make up more than half of all people living with HIV, and young women are particularly vulnerable in sub-Saharan Africa. Marginalized communities have higher rates of infection due to stigma, discrimination and restrictive laws, and gay men are five times more likely to be infected with HIV in countries with punitive policies.

“When girls do not have access to education and information, and when young women do not have access to HIV prevention and testing, they are at far greater risk of contracting HIV,” said Winnie Byanyima, UNAIDS Executive Director. Ta.
Furthermore, approximately 5.4 million people remain unaware of their HIV-positive status, highlighting the urgent need for expanded testing and education.
The World AIDS Day 2024 report highlights gaps in human rights realization and shows how human rights violations are hindering ending the AIDS pandemic.
the way to go
Innovative treatments such as long-acting injectables offer more effective prevention and care. However, fair access is essential. Campaigns like UNAIDS' 2024 Initiative call for the decriminalization of marginalized groups and a commitment to human rights to ensure no one is left behind.
ITN Business has created a program to showcase innovations and advances in the fight against AIDS/HIV for World AIDS Day 2024. Explore the program here: HIV: Aiming for zero by 2030
Access to effective and reliable HIV testing is difficult for communities living in remote and underserved areas of Africa. bruker is working to transform the landscape of HIV care, delivering powerful solutions that create sustainable and impactful change.
This partner film is produced by the ITN Business Commercial team and is not produced by journalists from the ITN News staff. See more short films and interviews here.
collective mission
World AIDS Day 2024 reminds us of the power of compassion, science and solidarity. By defending rights, eliminating stigma, and investing in both research and humanity, we can realize our vision of an AIDS-free future.Cooperation and collective action are key to this.
UNAIDS brings together the efforts of 11 United Nations agencies: UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO, and the World Bank to help the world and the world fight to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. We work closely with our domestic partners. It is part of the Sustainable Development Goals.
of World AIDS Day 2024 Report This means that the world can eliminate AIDS if the human rights of people living with or affected by HIV are respected, protected and met to ensure fair, accessible and high-quality HIV services. is shown.
Broadcaster and comedian Stephen Fry said: “The choice is clear whether we want to end AIDS as a public health threat. World leaders must get on the right path to protecting people's right to health and life. Human Rights If their rights are respected and guaranteed, their lives will be greatly improved as they will have free access to medical care, including HIV prevention and treatment.”
For more information or to participate, please visit: UNAIDS.
World AIDS Day Program
Movies from our partners:
- bruker
- gilead
- Pharmaceutical patent pool
Thought Leadership Interview:
- Elton John AIDS Foundation
- international aids association
- National AIDS Trust
- Terrence Higgins Trust
Let's head here now clock.
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