NHS England rushes to develop breakthrough drug

In an epoch-making move, NHS England is rapidly bringing the first-ever treatment for uveal melanoma, a highly malignant eye cancer, to hundreds of patients across the country.
This pioneering treatment, Teventasp, has been approved by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and will give new hope to patients diagnosed with this deadly cancer. One patient undergoing treatment described this development as “the best early Christmas present I could have asked for.”
When uveal melanoma spreads to major organs, it is almost always fatal. However, with the approval of Teventasp, patients now have access to an unprecedented treatment. Over the next few years, hundreds of patients could benefit from this drug if their cancer cannot be removed surgically or has spread, allowing them to spend more precious time with their loved ones.
More than 100 patients are expected to receive this pioneering drug, also known by the brand name Kimmtrak®, each year. In clinical trials, Teventasp has been shown to increase the chance of survival, with patients surviving an average of five months longer than those receiving standard treatment.
Joanne Foster, 57, from Newcastle, was diagnosed with uveal melanoma after an eye test in 2013. Her cancer had spread to her kidneys and lungs, so she was given Teventusp as part of a compassionate access plan last year. Joanne shared her experience:
“Living with uveal melanoma is physically and mentally draining. I've had my eye removed and been treated for over 10 years, but what's around the corner?” The uncertainty of not knowing was incredibly difficult, especially since there was no treatment available until now.”
“The news that Teventasp is now available to hundreds of current and future NHS patients like me is the best early Christmas present I could have hoped for. I know that, but my kidney tumor has shrunk and my lung cancer has stabilized, which has given me precious time to spend with my family and loved ones.”
Teventasp is administered by weekly intravenous infusion in the hospital. It acts as a bridge between certain proteins on melanoma cancer cells and T cells of the body's immune system, allowing it to kill cancer cells and slow cancer growth. This drug is the first to use such pioneering technology.
Clinical trials have shown that the chance of survival three years after starting treatment with teventafsp is 27%, compared with 18% with the current standard of care, an immunotherapy called a checkpoint inhibitor. The drug was found to extend average overall survival by almost five months, from 16.9 months to 21.6 months.
Professor Peter Johnson, NHS National Cancer Director, highlighted the importance of this development:
“This type of melanoma is difficult to treat once it has spread throughout the body, which is why we are now able to offer this pioneering treatment to the NHS, giving people longer lives and precious time with their families. It's great news that we can now offer options that you can do,” and friends.
“This is the latest in a long list of new medicines made available by NHS England to help people live with cancer, making a difference to the lives of patients and their families across the country.”
Researched and developed by UK-based company Immunocore, Teventusp is now available to patients across the UK, thanks to NHS England's Cancer Medicines Fund. The fund will facilitate the rapid rollout of innovative cancer treatments following NICE approval.
The announcement follows NHS England's previous agreement for Casgevy®, a beta-thalassemia gene editing therapy manufactured in the UK. The UK now boasts the largest concentration of cell and gene therapy companies outside the US, centered in Stevenage and extending to Oxford, London and Cambridge.
NHS England aims to be a world leader in the introduction of cutting-edge advanced therapeutic medicines, including personalized CAR-T cancer treatments and potentially curative gene therapies, and is committed to delivering the best possible results for the benefit of the NHS. underlines our commitment to leveraging the strengths of the UK life sciences industry. patient.
Image credit: iStock
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