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Coronavirus: London-Middlex Reports Two New Cases Including Healthcare Workers on Friday-London


Two people, including healthcare workers, gave a positive test for the novel Coronavirus Two recovered in London and middlesex, but local health officials said Friday.

This update brings the total number of cases in the region to 695, of which 621 have recovered. Also, 57 people died of the virus, most recently June 12.

As of Friday, there are at least 17 known active cases in the region.

Health officials also reported two and two recovery on Thursday, four and four recovery on Wednesday, three and one recovery on Tuesday, and one and six recovery on Monday.

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Ontario reports 92 new cases of coronavirus, 1 death. Total of 40,459 cases

Two recent cases involve people in their 30s and 40s. Persons in their thirties are listed as health care workers reportedly infected by close contact, while the causes of other cases are listed as “pending or undetermined.”

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The majority of lawsuits in the area, at least 643, have been reported in London. In other areas, 26 cases have been reported in Strathroy-Caradoc, 12 in Middlesex Centre, 6 in North Middlesex and Thames Centre, and 1 in Lucan Biddulph and Southwest Middlesex, respectively.

Health unit data show that all cases currently active in the region are in London.

As of this week, there were 136.9 cases per 100,000 in the region and 271.6 in Ontario.

According to the Health Unit, the region’s test-positive rate for the week of August 2 was 0.1%.


Ontario report 92 new cases of the novel Coronavirus on Friday brought the entire state to 40,459.

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Friday cases are below the 100 mark, including numbers Not reported to Ontario on Thursday by the Toronto Public Health Service.

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The number of deaths in the state increased to 2,788, with one new death reported.

Meanwhile, 36,772 Ontarians COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing, A disease caused by a virus, in 90% of cases. The number of cases resolved has increased by 83 cases from the previous day.

Friday Local report Most of the new cases occurred in 30 cases from Toronto and 17 cases from Peel Region, but all other public health departments in the state reported 0 or less than 10 cases.

Elgin and Oxford

Southwestern Public Health (SWPH) officials reported Friday that three had tested positive for the novel coronavirus and seven had recovered.

This update brings the total number of cases in the region to 223, of which 164 have recovered. Five people have died, most recently in early July.

Health officials reported 3 new cases and 5 recoveries on Thursday, 3 new cases and 12 recoveries on Wednesday, 5 new cases and 8 recoveries on Tuesday, 7 new cases and 5 recoveries on Monday. ..

At least 140 cases have been reported in the region since early July, with 68 cases reported this month. By comparison, a total of 83 cases were reported in March, April, May and June.

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There are at least 54 known active cases in the area. 29 are in Aylmer, 13 are in Bayham, 7 are in Tillsonburg, and 5 are in St. Thomas.

Aylmer is the most devastated municipality in the region, recording a total of 66 cases, equivalent to 880.9 cases with a population of 100,000.

The rates for St. Thomas and Woodstock are 77.1 and 44.0 per 100,000 respectively.

SWPH has received 19,822 tests to date, has 258 pending results, and has a positive test rate of 1.1%.

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Coronavirus: Canadian Health Authorities Warn About COVID-19’s Potential “Falling Peak”

Huron and Perth

Huron Perth Public Health (HPPH) authorities reported four new cases on Friday with little other details revealed.

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The Health Unit is in the process of “migrating to a new state case and contact management system”, and HPPH “cannot provide all local COVIDs” during the transition expected to occur “after August 21st” -19. Surveillance data available on our website prior to -19. “

As of Friday, 87 cases were recorded in the region, with 10 active cases identified.

Health officials reported no new cases or recovery on Thursday, but reported two recovery on Wednesday, one new case on Tuesday, and eight new cases and four recovery on Monday.

Sarnia and Lambton

Lambton Public Health Office (LPH) officials reported four new cases late Thursday.

The total number of cases in the region is now 331, of which 293 have recovered. Twenty-five people have died, most recently in early June.

Health authorities did not report cases late Wednesday, with 3 new patients late Tuesday, 1 new patient late Monday and 2 recovery, 5 new patients late Sunday and 2 Reported recovery.

At least 13 active cases are known in the area. It is not clear where the case is because the health unit refused to disclose the location of the case.

Workplace outbreaks associated with four cases in the region remain vigorous. Proclaimed on monday The name of the workplace is not disclosed.

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At least 10 outbreaks have been declared in the area during the pandemic and have been associated with 109 cases and 16 deaths. Nine of the outbreaks occurred in nursing homes and nursing homes.

Since June 14, Bluewater Health’s COVID-19 patients have not been treated in the hospital.

At least 19,889 test results were received late Thursday. The test positive in this region is 1.7%.

— Files from Gabby Rodrigues and Matthew Trevithick of Global News.

© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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