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Aha warns that lifestyle choices are promoting the trend of American heart disease.

Aha warns that lifestyle choices are promoting the trend of American heart disease.



Despite medical progress, the crisis of American heart disease worsens. Surrounding new data, the selection of lifestyles, racial gaps, and rising obesity are clarified how they are promoting unprecedented public health issues.

Research: 2025 heart disease and stroke statistics: reports of the US Heart Association and the global data. Image Credit: DASENNA / SHUTTOCKstudy: 2025 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics: Report on the United States and global data of the United States。 Image Credit: DASENNA / SHUTTOCK

In the recent report published in the journal circulationAmerican Heart Association (AHA) has released the latest itelation of annual stroke, heart and cardiovascular disease (CVD) statistics (CVD) statistics. The 620 pages of pages, edited by the United States (US) National Institute of Health (NIH), provide insights to American citizens on scenery where cardiovascular health changes.

This includes detailed statistics on circulation and heart -related diseases, danger factors (smoking status, tendency of physical activity, etc.), and treatment results. This article emphasizes important surveys in reports on both the United States and Global contexts.


The American Heart Association (AHA) is a non -profit organization based in the United States (USA). We are mainly involved in conducting, support, and funding for cardiovascular research. This organization was established in 1924 (Chicago) and has its current headquarters in Dallas, Texas.

AHA focuses on five important purposes. 1. Research, 2. HealthEquity, 3. Heartand Brain Health, 4. Professionaleducation, and 5. Advocacy. It is the most well -known annual heart and stroke statistical report. Detailed cardiovascular and related disease data, the latest diseases risk metric, and treatment results will provide researchers, policies, and consumers (CVD) surge, which is unprecedented today Educate the ideal lifestyle selection.

About reports

The current report is a shared initiatives with AHA, the National Institute of National Health (NIH), and some other government agencies. It aims to provide experts and interests related to accurate, latest heart disease (HD) information, especially the essential 8 (2022) AHA life.

The concept represented by the eight parts is an important lifestyle decision required for the best cardiovascular health. 1. Eat well, 2. More active, 3. Stop tobacco, 4. Get a healthy sleep.

This report focuses on various aspects of the essential 8 AHA life before digging into clinical risk relevance and treatment results. Research data was mainly acquired from the NIH database and the National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES) supplements (for example, Biobank and Framingham Heart Study (FHS)). The important highlights of the report are shown below.

Aha'S Life's Essential 8 and the health of cardiovascular tubes

Some data sources, including NHANES SURVEY, UK Biobank, and Framingham Heart Study (FHS), verify the recommendations of ESSENTIAL 8 in LIFE, and have a maximum of 11 years of follow -up and have eight score of LIFE. Research participants had a low CVD risk (and the rate of illness was reduced), the mortality ratio related to the major harmful cardiovascular event (Maces) and the circulation system. Congratulations, the use of tobacco in the United States has decreased significantly in the past 20 years. However, the recent inflow of electronic cigarettes offset these advantages, especially between junior high and high school students (4.6 %, 10.0 %, and 25.2 % of high school users reported daily use).

High school students also showed an increase in behaviors that were likely to be sitting, and participated in a daily movement of more than 60 minutes in 2021 in 2021 in 2021, compared to 28.9 % in 2011. Men's counter part, healthy meals, have appropriate, peaceful sleep and the strongest relevance.

Unfortunately, nutrition statistics continue to have this dark trend, and most American population consumes fresh fruits and vegetables, rich in sugar and processed foods. The average health eating index score in the United States is 59 (scale of 0 to 100). As a result, 41.8 % of the adult population in the United States is estimated to be obese compared to 16 % of global datasets.

In addition, many Americans are suffering from dyslipidemia, excessive blood pressure, and coalition diseases (diabetes, metabolic syndrome, kidney disease, stroke, CVD, and HDS) due to these unsuitable health decisions.

Results of treatment and economic costs

The results of the treatment have been improved compared to the past few years, but the gender and race gaps remain clear. For example, women were more than 13 % higher than men, following acute myocardial infarction (MI), and experiencing a hospital -related hospital relating to heart failure. In addition, blacks and hiss breads were 27 % less than 27 % (45.6 % to 60.0 %), compared to white people (45.6 % to 60.0 %).

The average annual cost of CVDs in the United States is amazing -between 2020 and 2021, which spent $ 417.9 billion directly or indirectly for CVD treatment. Direct expenses increase from $ 189.7 billion in 2012 to $ 233 billion in 2021, due to 30 % of these costs. Prescription drug.


The worrisome trend of healthy behavior that is not optimal in the United States must change to reduce the burden on the state's economic and mortality. Reports such as Aha's present one can educate the citizens on the progress of silent pandemic and equip them with simple nutrition, physical activity, and sleep corrections to protect themselves and their families.

Journal Reference:

  • Martin, SS, ADAY, AW, ALLEN, NB, ALMARZOOQ, ZI, Anderson, Cam, ARORA, AVERY, CL, BAKER-SMITH, CM, BANSAL, BANSAL, BEATON, BEATON, AZ, COMODORE-MENSAH. , Curry, I, Elkind, MSV, fan, W. , Geneso, G. , Gibbs, BB, Hard, DG, High Lemas, S. , … Johansen, MC (2025). 2025 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics: Report on the United States and global data of the United States2-10.1161/Cir.0000000000001303,




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