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Johnson and Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine show promise and prevent serious illness in hamsters


Key Point

  • Johnson & Johnson report successful trial of its candidate COVID-19 vaccine, Ad26.COV2.S, in hamsters
  • July also revealed successful testing of vaccines in non-human primates
  • J&J Produces Promising Vaccine Under Federal Operation Warp Speed

Johnson & Johnson report the second successful animal trial of Ad26.COV2.S (adenovirus serotype 26), a single dose candidate COVID-19 vaccine currently in development as part of the Operation Warp Speed ​​(OWS). did.

J & J said Thursday that the vaccine prevented serious illness in a small group of Syrian golden hamsters, leading to the formation of neutralizing antibodies. Results of the hamster study were published Thursday in a medical journal, Natural medicine..

Hamsters received a single dose of the vaccine and were exposed to the COVID-19 virus four weeks later. SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) is the virus that causes COVID-19.

The vaccine elicited the neutralizing antibodies required to build immunity against SARS-CoV-2. J & J also said vaccinated hamsters appeared to weigh less than unvaccinated hamsters. The animals also did not experience any serious clinical side effects such as pneumonia or death.

“This preclinical study has increased our confidence in the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate,” said J&J Chief Science Officer. Dr Paul Stoffels.. “We are planning to start Phase 3 trials this month, but if demonstrated to be safe and effective in humans, manufacturing and distribution capabilities that will enable global access to SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidates. We continue to work to expand

Coronavirus vaccine survey Coronavirus vaccine survey Photo: Pete Linforth-Pixabay

J&J warned that the promising results of hamsters do not necessarily mean that the vaccine provides the same level of protection for humans. However, COVID-19 may progress to serious illness in people, so the findings are important, he said.

J&J release The result of the first animal experiment conducted in late July. Preclinical studies have shown that Ad26.COV2.S succeeds in preventing subsequent infections and provides complete or near complete protection of the lungs from non-human primate (NHP) viruses.

Research published in journals, NatureAlso showed a vaccine that elicits a strong immune response, as shown by the formation of neutralizing antibodies.

Apart from the development of Ad26.COV2.S, J&J is also simultaneously increasing its vaccine manufacturing capacity and working with global strategic partners to support the global distribution of the vaccine. J&J said it would fully meet its goal of delivering more than one billion doses globally in 2021 if the vaccine is approved as safe and effective.

The development of Ad26.COV2.S is mostly supported by US federal funding from the Assistant Secretary for Preparation and Response, Department of Advanced Biomedical Research and Development (BARDA).

On August 5, the Ministry of Health and Human Services announced that it has reached a $1 billion deal with J&J’s pharmaceutical subsidiary Janssen for a 100 million vaccine dose. The agreement also gives the federal government the option to order an additional 200 million doses.


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