PTSD May Double Risk of Dementia, New Analysis Discovered
Related Video Above: You Need to Talk About PTSD in People with Past Health Trauma — How Coronaviruses Exacerbate People Who Experience Post-traumatic Stress Disorders Double the chance of Dementia Later in Life A new study has been found to have a significant impact on the coronavirus pandemic. This disorder occurs when symptoms of psychological trauma disrupt daily functioning for at least a month. The Commonwealth Fund reports that the United States has been free from the effects of the deadly new coronavirus for more than seven months. Almost one-third of Americans suffer from the clinical symptoms of depression or generalized anxiety. The National Public Health Group Well Being Trust estimates that as a result of a coronavirus pandemic, as many as 75,000 Americans can die from drug and alcohol misuse and suicide. The risk of experiencing a pandemic-related trauma that can lead to PTSD is increasing. Professionals say that front-line doctors, nurses, and families who have lost loved ones or sick patients, especially when using ventilators. Is especially so. Intubation is known to be associated with the highest rate of medical PTSD. Clinically significant PTSD symptoms two years after ICU care, according to the Michigan Medical Psychiatry. In addition, a group of 24 international mental health professionals are concerned that severe acute respiratory syndrome, which occurs in some patients with COVID-19, can be transmitted. Causes an immune response that is detrimental to the brain, or the patient’s brain function and mental health. Experts expressed concern in a paper published in the Lancet Psychiatry Journal in April. “PTV appears to be common among people hospitalized with COVID-19, but remains under-diagnosed, under-treated, and in a state of mental health under study, which has serious long-term consequences. It is possible, “said senior author Vasiliki Orgeta, an associate professor of psychiatry at University College London, in a statement. How the long-term effects of trauma affect the brain in many ways, increasing cognitive decline and vulnerabilities to dementia, “Orgeta said. “I’m not at all shocked by the association of the most severe levels of stress after post-traumatic stress disorder. I have dementia,” said New York Presvitarian and Weil Cornell Medical. Dr. Richard Isaacson, a neurologist who founded the Center’s Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention Clinic, said, “In the last decade or so, stress has been a risk factor for so many chronic conditions, from Alzheimer’s to diabetes and heart disease. There has been an explosive increase in evidence that it is absolutely just as important, “said Isaacson. Calling the non-military study “the first meta-analysis of global evidence for PTSD and dementia risk,” the study examined data from approximately 17 million people from 13 studies conducted on four continents. People with PTSD are at risk of dementia up to 17 years later, according to integrated data from eight studies that are 1% to 2% higher. The riskiest were not military veterans. The general public with PTSD-due to physical or sexual abuse, death threats, car accidents, terrorism and other trauma-is more likely to develop dementia than adults without such a diagnosis. It was more than twice as expensive. According to the US Department of Veterans Affairs program, PTSD’s National Center, which had 1.5 PTSD veterans, it is twice as likely to develop dementia as a veterinarian without PTSD. Between 7 and 8 out of 100 people experience PTSD in their lifetime. Women are more likely to develop PTSD than men. Symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks in which a person relives a traumatic event in some way, including physical symptoms such as heartbeat and sweating. People with PTSD also often try to avoid traumatic thoughts and feelings and change their behavior away from people, places, and things that remind them of their experiences. Emotional behavior can be altered by PTSD — negative or distorted thinking, concentration or memory problems, loss of interest in activities, isolation, and the inability to feel happy all impede It is common to those who have it. Increased arousal is another important sign. Symptoms include easy astonishment, increased alertness, frustration, dangerous or destructive behavior, and anger or aggressive explosions. -When you experience trauma, your brain becomes tense and flooded with stress hormones. Also, resilience from PTSD is associated with social support and more positive thinking, which can lead to cognitive decline when feeling sick and isolated from family and friends “post-traumatic stress”. Is stress disorder a correctable risk factor? I would say so, “said Isaksson. “If we can recognize it, we can reduce stress by meeting with a qualified healthcare professional and using pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments to consult a psychiatrist or a therapist. Technology can mitigate it. To protect your brain health over time. ”
Related video above: We need to talk about PTSD in people with health problems in the past, and how the coronavirus is exacerbating.
According to a new study, people who experience post-traumatic stress disorder can double their chances of developing dementia in later years. This is an important finding in the coronavirus pandemic.
This disorder occurs when symptoms of psychological trauma disrupt daily functioning for at least a month. The country has been dragging from the effects of the deadly new coronavirus for over seven months.
Nearly one-third of Americans suffer from the clinical manifestations of depression or generalized anxiety, according to the Commonwealth Fund. The Well Being Trust, a national public health organization, estimates that drug and alcohol misuse and suicide can kill as many as 75,000 Americans as a result of a coronavirus pandemic.
The risk of experiencing pandemic-related trauma that can turn into PTSD increases for front-line physicians and nurses And A family member who lost a loved one or a sick patient, Experts say, Especially if you are using a ventilator.
Intubation is known to be associated with some of the highest rates of medical PTSD, “35% of ICU survivors show clinically significant PTSD symptoms 2 years after ICU care.” According to the psychiatry of Michigan medicine..
In addition, a group of 24 international mental health professionals found that severe acute respiratory syndrome, which occurs in some patients with COVID-19, can infect the brain and immunize against the patient’s brain function and mental health. I’m worried about causing a response. Experts expressed concern in a paper published in the Lancet Psychiatry Journal in April.
“PTV appears to be common among people hospitalized with COVID-19, but remains under-diagnosed, under-treated, and studied mental health conditions, but with serious long-term consequences. It’s possible, “said senior author Vasiliki Orgeta. Department Associate Professor Psychiatry at University College London in a statement.
“Our study shows how traumatic experiences affect brain health, and how the long-term effects of trauma affect the brain in many ways, vulnerable to cognitive decline and dementia. It provides important new evidence of how to enhance sex, “said Orgeta.
“I’m not at all shocked that the most severe levels of stress after post-traumatic stress disorder are associated with dementia.” I’m not involved in this study.
“In the last decade or so, there has been an explosion of evidence that stress is as absolutely important as the risk factors for so many chronic conditions, from Alzheimer’s disease to diabetes and heart disease,” Isaacson said. It was.
Twice the risk of non-military
Calling this study “the first meta-analysis of global evidence for PTSD and the risk of dementia,” the study has four. Continent.
People with PTSD faced a 1% to 2% higher risk of dementia after up to 17 years, according to integrated data from eight studies.
And it wasn’t the military veterans who were at greatest risk. People with PTSD-probably physical or sexual abuse, people due to threats Percentage of deaths, car accidents, terrorism or other trauma — more than twice as likely to develop dementia as adults without such a diagnosis.
Veterans with PTSD were 1.5 times more likely to develop dementia than veterans without PTSD.
According to the report, 7 to 8 out of 100 people will experience PTSD in their lifetime. PTSD National Center, US Department of Veterans Affairs program. Women are more likely to develop PTSD than men.
Symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks in which a person relives a traumatic event in some way, including physical symptoms such as heartbeat and sweating. Recurrent memories and nightmares are also signs.
People with PTSD also try to avoid traumatic thoughts and feelings. They also often change their behavior away from people, places, and things that remind them of their experiences.
Cognitive and emotional behavior can be altered by PTSD — negative or distorted thinking, concentration or memory problems, loss of interest in activities, isolation, and the inability to feel happy are all disorders. Common to people with.
Increased alertness is another important sign. Symptoms include easy astonishment, increased alertness, irritability, dangerous or destructive behavior, and anger and aggressive explosions.
It’s not entirely clear why PTSD causes dementia, but studies have shown that many of the symptoms of disability, such as re-experience of hypersensitivity and trauma, do make the brain tense and flood the brain with stress hormones. Suggests.
Also, resilience from PTSD is associated with social support and more positive thinking, which can lead to “decreased cognitive reserve and resilience” by feeling sick and isolated from family and friends. there is.
“Is post-traumatic stress disorder a correctable risk factor? I would say so,” Isaksson said. “If we can recognize it, we can reduce stress by meeting with a qualified healthcare professional and using pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments to consult a psychiatrist or a therapist. Technology can mitigate it. To protect your brain health over time. “
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